Ср. Дек 18th, 2024

Ангелы смерти. "Они хотят твоей смерти" — это не метафора. Вот как Канада (Великобритания и...) превращают врачей в палачей

Я стал твоим врагом, потому, что говорю тебе правду.

«Свободен лишь тот, кто может позволить себе не лгать». А. Камю

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       «Можно обманывать часть народа всё время, и весь народ — некоторое время, но нельзя обманывать весь народ всё время». А. Линкольн.


Не канадец? Не британец? Не беспокойтесь! Это либо уже в вашей стране, либо скоро поступит в медицинский офис рядом с вами. Это длинно. Пожалуйста, найдите время, чтобы прочитать и поделиться этим.

Вот такие сегодняшние новости, ребята. Врачи и медсестры могут убить вас, когда вы этого хотите, или когда вы этого не хотите.

Так же, как это делали нацисты. Перед Второй мировой войной. Скатываясь по скользкому склону «Жизни, недостойной жизни», эвтаназия, достойная смерть, очистка/дезинфекция/улучшение общества. Генослайд!

Same-o, Same-o в Канаде. Выражаю благодарность адвокату Лизе Марон за то, что она поделилась без комментариев официальной программой по управлению смертью канадской MAID, медицинской помощи при умирании.

В Канаде врачи могут вас убить. Медсестры могут вас убить.

В духе инклюзивности (я это не придумал), вам не нужно быть близко к смерти, чтобы умереть. Если вы подавлены или у вас есть какое-то другое психическое расстройство, вы можете просто пойти и умереть. Мы вам поможем. Если вы грустный или больной ветеран в Канаде, вы можете просто пойти и умереть. Мы вам поможем.

Результат изображения для Medical Assistance in Dying Editorial Cartoons Canada

Прежде чем мы продолжим рассмотрение официальной канадской политики в области убийств и депопуляции «Медицинская помощь при смерти» (MAID),

Позвольте мне рассказать вам историю. К сожалению, эта история — правда.

Мой отец родился в 1912 году. Примерно 92 года спустя моя мать умерла, а отец жил в доме престарелых во Флориде. Он был полностью вменяемым, принимал множество лекарств, которые не имели для меня никакого смысла с медицинской точки зрения и он был очень одинок. Мой муж Берт, официально известный как генерал-майор Альберт Н. Стабблбайн III (армия США, покойный), и я жили в Волкане, Чирики, Панама, управляя Valley of the Moon, довольно удивительным эко-демонстрационным центром в рамках работы Natural Solutions Foundation.

Я предложила Берту взять отца к себе по медицинским и личным причинам, и, конечно, Берт с энтузиазмом согласился. Мы предложили отцу этот вариант, и он был в восторге от такой возможности. Он был взволнован, как ребёнок, тем, что у него будет его первый паспорт, и мы с Бертом забронировали билеты, чтобы привезти его с собой в Панаму из Флориды.

В четверг перед нашим отъездом во Флориду во вторник я разговаривала с отцом, и он сказал, что поскользнулся, когда съезжал со скутера, и ушиб поясницу. Он провёл в больнице (?) ночь (?) под наблюдением (?) и будет выписан на следующий день.

Я позвонила на следующий день (в пятницу), и медсестра сказала мне, что мой отец спит. Он спал каждый раз, когда я перезванивала. Я оставила сообщение его врачу, кардиологу, чтобы он позвонил мне.

Он этого не сделал. Каждый раз, когда я звонила, мой отец «спал», а врач, к сожалению, «был недоступен и нет, его нельзя было вызвать».

Наконец, в воскресенье другой врач, нефролог, сказал мне, что моему отцу осталось жить всего несколько часов. Я сказала нефрологу, что не понимаю и она ответила, что его врач, к сожалению, недоступен и больше ничего сказать мне не может.

Мой отец действительно вскоре умер.

Во вторник мы с Бертом вылетели во Флориду, как и планировали, но на этот раз нам нужно было убраться в квартире моего покойного отца, а не собрать его вещи и привезти его к нам домой.

Пока мы были в квартире, зазвонил телефон и женщина представилась как Рената [её настоящее имя], давняя подруга обоих моих родителей. Мои родители упоминали её много раз, но я никогда её не встречала. Она сказала, что хотела бы встретиться с нами за ужином, чтобы рассказать, что случилось с моим отцом. Она предложила время и место.

Мы встретили Ренату, женщину средних лет, в хорошем ресторане и она сказала, что у неё есть что нам сказать. «Я убила твоего отца», — сказала она с легкой усмешкой. Мы уставились на неё и выдавили какой-то вопрос.

Она рассказала нам, что 10 лет назад мой отец отреагировал холодно и безразлично, когда она сказала ему, что её преследует и угрожает ей её разводящийся муж, и она решила «выждать время, чтобы отомстить». (Просто для протокола: конечно, мой отец отреагировал холодно и безразлично. Он был довольно законченным нарциссом, которого на самом деле заботили только вещи, имеющие значение для него самого. Проблемы Ренаты, как и ожидалось, мало что значили для него.)

Рената сказала, что она сказала медсестрам в больнице, что она его единственная дочь, Рима, а затем сказала врачу, его давнему кардиологу, что мой отец «готов уйти», и что у него «была хорошая жизнь, но ему пора уходить». Врач/медсестра/клерк отделения/администратор не только не спросили никаких документов или разрешений, чтобы сделать такое заявление или решение, но врач даже не удосужился ответить ни на один из звонков, которые я, конечно же, используя своё имя, всё более срочно посылала на его голосовую почту и автоответчик.

Он также забыл обсудить возможность медицинского убийства с моим отцом, который с энтузиазмом ожидал своего предстоящего переезда в Центральную Америку, но был совсем «не готов к этому»!

Поэтому он прекратил приём всех семи основных лекарств, которые принимал мой отец, что вызвало сердечную и почечную недостаточность, которой, конечно же, предшествовала кома, которую мне ошибочно представили как «сон» моего отца.

То, что сделал врач, было тяжким преступлением во Флориде, когда он это сделал. В следующую среду, 23 марта 2010 года, это стало вопросом национальной политики. Это был день, когда Закон о доступном медицинском обслуживании ACA ), официально известный как Закон о защите пациентов и доступном медицинском обслуживании PPACA ) и в разговорной речи как Obamacare , был подписан президентом Бараком Обама. Этот акт сделал то, что только что сделала Великобритания, что делает Канада и что делает страна за страной в соответствии с ещё одной частью дьявольской мальтузианской схемы управления Организации Объединенных Наций, более известной как «Цели устойчивого развития».

О, кстати, Рената избежала наказания за своё убийство. Так же, как и врач моего отца. Я не уверена, что карма вообще существует,

но я, конечно, голосую за!

Я имею в виду, врачи и медсестры принимают решения о жизни и смерти, которые, как они считают, они уполномочены и имеют право принимать. Что может пойти не так? Это же эвтаназия, не так ли? Нет, это на самом деле убийство по одному случаю, геноцид, когда число становится достаточно большим.

Что может пойти не так? Как насчёт убийства людей из-за экономических, личных, социальных и/или личных стремлений, ожиданий и целей, не связанных с потребностями человека, которого вы теперь классифицируете как имеющего «жизнь, недостойную того, чтобы жить», «бесполезного едока», обслуживаемого случайным и неконтролируемым устранением неудобного, дорогого, раздражающего или трудного. Что, в самом деле, может пойти не так? Поздняя стадия евгеники (старики) становится евгеникой ранней стадии, становится очень ранней евгеникой, становится всеобщей евгеникой. Опять же, что может пойти не так?

Будучи сентиментальным человеком, я должна признать, что мне кажется, что спросить об этом пострадавшего пациента (моего отца), который в данном случае был в полном сознании и психически дееспособен, было бы здорово, но никто из ответственных лиц не посчитал это необходимым.

О, поскольку Рената подписала формы, используя моё имя после смерти моего отца, я так и не смогла получить копию его медицинской документации, что сделало юридические действия невозможными. Но, эй, что может пойти не так, в конце концов.

Врачи знают лучше, верно? Они не ошибаются, в конце концов. Они же врачи!

Вернемся к MAID в Канаде.

Старый добрый канадский гумминт так глубоко заботится о канадцах, устанавливая добрую защиту для тех, кто может быть достаточно введён в заблуждение, чтобы думать, что проблемы должны быть решены, а не уничтожены (вместе с людьми, у которых проблемы — в конце концов, когда люди мертвы, то и проблемы тоже!)

Гарантии так важны. Это не похоже на старые недобрые времена 2016 года, когда государство не убивало вас без того, что кто-то считал веской причиной для убийства, например, неизлечимого заболевания, которое означало, что вы скоро умрёте, но вы будете много страдать, прежде чем сделаете это. В MAID-le Ages избежать страданий перед лицом неминуемой смерти было вашим единственным билетом на Поезд Смерти.

Поезд смерти от Datzun86 на DeviantArt

Времена, безусловно, изменились с появлением MMM: MAID для мальтузианского менеджмента.

Потому что, смотрите!

В 2021 году всё стало гораздо более дружелюбным к MAID и просто наличие психического заболевания, которое вызывало у вас грусть или депрессию, было достаточным, чтобы считать MAID мёртвым! Официальный сайт сообщает нам:

«Право на участие

Чтобы иметь право на медицинскую помощь для смерти, вы должны соответствовать всем следующим критериям. Вы должны :

  • иметь право на получение медицинских услуг, финансируемых провинцией или территорией, или федеральным правительством
    • Вы также можете иметь право на получение пособия, если вы достигли минимального срока проживания или периода ожидания, установленного в вашей провинции или территории.
  • быть не моложе 18 лет и быть психически дееспособным
    • Это означает способность самостоятельно принимать решения в отношении своего здоровья.
  • иметь тяжёлое и неизлечимое заболевание
  • подать добровольную просьбу о медицинской помощи для смерти
    • Запрос не может быть результатом внешнего давления или влияния.
  • дать осознанное согласие на получение медицинской помощи при умирании

Как правило, посетители Канады не имеют права на медицинскую помощь в случае смерти».

  1. и услужливо разъясняет «тяжелое и неизлечимое медицинское состояние таким образом,

« Тяжёлое и неизлечимое состояние здоровья

Чтобы считаться имеющим тяжёлое и неизлечимое заболевание, вы должны соответствовать всем следующим критериям.

Вы должны:

  • иметь серьезное заболевание, болезнь или инвалидность
  • находиться в состоянии глубокого упадка, который невозможно обратить вспять
  • испытываете невыносимые физические или психические страдания из-за своей болезни, недуга, инвалидности или состояния упадка сил, которые не могут быть облегчены в условиях, которые вы считаете приемлемыми

Вам не обязательно иметь смертельное или терминальное заболевание, чтобы иметь право на медицинскую помощь для смерти » .

2[Выделено мной — REL]

Если вы несчастны и хотите уйти из жизни «ТОЛЬКО» по причине психического заболевания, вам придётся жить и страдать ещё некоторое время. По крайней мере, чтобы получить государственную помощь при выписке, вам нужно продержаться до 27 марта 2027 года, прежде чем государство вас вышвырнет. НО, если вы можете вызвать или придумать медицинское состояние вместе с вашим желанием покончить с собой по причинам психического здоровья, вам повезло! С этим небольшим дополнением вы имеете право на милую, быструю и поддерживающую медицинскую помощь для смерти, поскольку «если у вас есть психическое заболевание вместе с другими медицинскими состояниями, вы можете иметь право на медицинскую помощь для смерти».

3. Конечно, чтобы убедиться, что учитываются именно ваши конкретные потребности, а не наша потребность избавиться от как можно большего количества людей (кто-нибудь за то место депопуляции сегодня вечером, ребята?), мы гарантируем, что «Правомочность всегда оценивается на индивидуальной основе и принимает во внимание все соответствующие обстоятельства. Однако вы должны соответствовать всем критериям, чтобы иметь право».

4. Боже мой, боже мой! Мы бы точно не хотели казнить , э-э, усыплять, кого-либо, кто не соответствует ВСЕМ критериям, не так ли? В конце концов, существуют правила для таких вещей. Вы знаете  меры предосторожности.

На самом деле, существует целая бесплатная, субсидируемая канадским правительством программа обучения тому, как убедиться, что ваши врачи и медсестры знают, как превратить вас из пациента в труп.

Вопрос: существует ли финансовая или иная бонусная структура за убийство ваших пациентов? Если у кого-то есть точная информация, чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной по адресу releyes3@gmail.com, чтобы поделиться информацией и источником.


Подпишитесь на группу «Израиль от Нила до Евфрата» в Телеграм


По теме:

США: Эвтаназия по госзаказу для пожилых людей

Канада. Ангелы смерти. Учёные за эвтаназию для бедных

Д-р Джозеф Меркола. «Ангелы смерти». Это была хорошая смерть? Или убийство?

Д-р Вернон Коулман. Срочное сообщение: когда вы умрёте, бороться с этой угрозой будет слишком поздно

Канада рассматривает закон о суициде детей (эвтаназия) с медицинской помощью, без согласия родителей

ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЕ ВЕКА: Десятки тысяч пожилых людей тайно подвергли эвтаназии, чтобы увеличить «смертность от Covid»

США. Ангелы смерти. Данные домов престарелых ясно показывают, что вакцины от COVID увеличили смертность

Великобритания. Ангелы смерти. Мэтт Хэнкок превратил дома престарелых в лагеря эвтаназии, чтобы создать иллюзию смертельной пЛандемии COVID-19

Добро пожаловать в Четвёртый Рейх: Германия приказывает поместить переживших Холокост в лечебницы для душевно больных


По следам 3-го Рейха: Канада объявляет об убийстве душевно больных с помощью медицинских препаратов

Канада. «Ангелы смерти»: Информатор разоблачает ужасы системы здравоохранения

Новая Зеландия платит врачам за умерщвление пациентов с гриппом Фаучи


Всё, что необходимо для триумфа Зла, это чтобы хорошие люди ничего не делали.



Пропустить день, пропустить многое. Подпишитесь на рассылку новостей на сайте worldgnisrael.com .Читайте главные мировые новости дня.  Это бесплатно.


ВИДЕО: Куда ведёт традиционная медицина

«They Want You Dead» is Not a Metaphor. Here’s How Canada (and the UK and…) are Turning «Health» «Care» Professionals into Executioners. Just Like the Nazis.

Not Canadian? Not British? No Worries! This is either already in your country or coming soon to a medical office near you. This is long. Please take the time to read and share it.


That’s today’s news, folks. Doctors and nurses can kill you when you want them to — or when you don’t want them to.


Just like the Nazis did. Before WW II. Sliding down the slippery slope of “Life Unworthy of Life”, of euthanasia, of a worthy death, of cleaning/sanitizing/improving society. The Geno-Slide!

Same-o, Same-o in Canada. Shout out to Lawyer Lisa Maron for sharing, without commentary, the official death management curriculum of the Canadian MAID, Medical Assistance in Dying, program.

In Canada, doctors can kill you. Nurses can kill you. In the spirit of inclusiveness (I did not make this up), you do not need to be close to death to die. If you are despondent or have some other mental condition, you can just go off and die. We’ll help you. If you are a sad or sick veteran in Canada, you can just nicely go die. We’ll help you.
You’re welcome.

Image result for Medical Assistance in Dying Editorial Cartoons Canada

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Before we go further with Canadian official murder and depopulation policy Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID),

let me tell you a story. Unfortunately, the story is true.

My father was born in 1912. About 92 years later my mother was dead and my father was living in an Assisted Living community in Florida. He was fully compos mentis, on a great many medications, which made no sense to me medically, and he was very lonely. My husband, Bert, formally known as Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Deceased), and I were living in Volcan, Chiriqui, Panama, running Valley of the Moon, a rather amazing eco-demonstration Center as part of the work of the Natural Solutions Foundation.

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I suggested to Bert that we bring my father to live with us for both medical and personal reasons and, of course, Bert enthusiastically agreed. We proposed the option to my father, and he was thrilled about the possibility. He was excited as a kid about having his very first passport and Bert and I booked our tickets to bring him back to Panama with us from Florida.

The Thursday before our Tuesday departure to Florida, I spoke to my father, and he said that he had slipped when maneuvering off his scooter and had bruised the small of his back. He was in the hospital (?) for observation (?) overnight (?) and would be released the next day.

I called the next day (Friday) and a nurse told me that my father was asleep. He was asleep each time I called back. I left messages for his doctor, a cardiologist, to call me.

He did not. Each time I called, my father was “asleep” and the doctor was, regrettably, “not available and, no, he could not be paged”.

Finally, on Sunday, another doctor, a nephrologist, told me that my father had only a few hours to live. I told the nephrologist I did not understand and she told me that his doctor was, unfortunately, not available and she could not tell me more.

My father did, indeed die shortly thereafter.

Bert and I took the flight to Florida on Tuesday as planned, but now it was to clean out my dead father’s apartment, not to pack up his things and bring him home with us.

While we were in the apartment, the phone rang and a woman identified herself as Renata [her real name], a long-term friend of both my parents. My parents had mentioned her many times, but I had never met her. She told us that she would like to meet us for dinner so she could tell us what happened to my father. She suggested a time and location.

We met Renata, a late middle-aged woman, at a nice restaurant and she told us that she had something to tell us. “I killed your father”, she said with a little grin. We gawked at her and gasped out some sort of a question.

She told us that 10 years before my father had responded coldly and uncaringly when she told him she was being stalked and threatened by her divorcing husband, and she decided to “bide my time to get even”. (Just for the record, of course my father responded coldly and uncaringly. He was a pretty thoroughgoing narcissist who really only cared about things that were of significance to himself. Renata’s problems predictably meant little to him.)

Renata said that she had told the nursing staff in the hospital that she was his only daughter, Rima, and then told the doctor, his long-term cardiologist, that my father was “ready to go”, and that he had “had a good life but it was time for him to leave”. Not only did the doctor/nurse/ward clerk/administrator not ask for any identification or authorization to make such a pronouncement or decision, but the doctor never bothered to respond to any of the calls I, using my name, of course, had placed increasingly urgently on his voicemail and answering service.

He also neglected to discuss the possibility of medical murder with my father who was enthusiastic about his forthcoming move to Central America and not at all “ready to go”!

So he discontinued all seven of the major medications my father was taking, causing heart and kidney failure, preceded, of course, by coma, which was misrepresented to me as my father “being asleep.”

What the physician did was a capital offense in Florida when he did it. On the following Wednesday, March 23, 2010, it became a matter of national policy. That was the day that Affordable Care Act (ACA), formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and colloquially as Obamacare, was signed into law by President Barack Obama. That act did what the UK just did, what Canada is doing and what country after country is doing in keeping with yet another part of the United Nations’ diabolical Malthusian Management scheme, better known as the “Sustainable Development Goals”.

Oh, by the way, Renata got away with her murder. So did my father’s doctor. I am not sure that karma actually exists,


but I am certainly voting for it!

I mean, doctors and nurses making life and death decisions that they believe they are empowered and entitled to make. What could possibly go wrong? That’s euthanasia, isn’t it? No, it’s actually murder on a one by one case, genocide when the numbers get big enough.

What could go wrong? How about killing people because of economic, personal, social and/or personal aspirations, expectations and goals unrelated to the needs of the individual whom you now class as having “life unworthy of living”, a “useless eater”, served by casual and unsupervised elimination of the inconvenient, expensive, annoying or difficult. What, indeed, could possibly go wrong? Late state eugenics (old people) becomes earlier stage eugenics, becomes very early eugenics, becomes generalized eugenics. Again, what could possibly go wrong?

Sentimentalist that I am, I gotta admit, it kinda seems to me that asking the victim patient (my dad), who, in this case was entirely lucid and mentally competent, might have been a cool thing to do, but no one in charge thought that was necessary.

Oh, because Renata had signed forms using my name after my father’s death, I was never able to secure a copy of his medical records, making legal action impossible. But, hey, what could go wrong, after all. Doctors know best, right? They don’t make mistakes, after all. They’re doctors!

Back to MAID in Canada.

The good ol’ Canadian gumm’int cares so deeply about Canadians, setting up kindly protection for those who might be misguided enough to think that problems should be solved, not terminated (along with the people who are having the problems — after all, when the people are dead, so are the problems!)
Safeguards are so important. It’s not like it was back in the bad old days of 2016 when the State would not kill you without what somebody thought was a good reason to kill you, like, for instance, a terminal condition that meant you were going to die soon, but you would be suffering a lot before you did it. Back in the MAID-le Ages, avoiding suffering when facing certain death was your only ticket on the Death Train.

The Death Train by Datzun86 on DeviantArt

Times have certainly changed now that we have MMM: MAID For Malthusian Management.

Because, Lookee!

In 2021 things got much more MAID-friendly and just having a mental illness that made you sad or depressed was enough to be MAID dead! An official website tells us:



To be eligible for medical assistance in dying, you must meet all the following criteria. You must:

  • be eligible for health services funded by a province or territory, or the federal government
    • You may also be eligible if you meet your province or territory’s minimum period of residence or waiting period.
  • be at least 18 years old and mentally competent
    • This means being capable of making health care decisions for yourself.
  • have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
  • make a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying
    • The request cannot be the result of outside pressure or influence.
  • give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying

Generally, visitors to Canada are not eligible for medical assistance in dying.”1 and helpfully clarifies a “grievous and irremediable medical condition thusly,

Grievous and irremediable medical condition

To be considered as having a grievous and irremediable medical condition, you must meet all of the following criteria. You must:

  • have a serious illness, disease or disability
  • be in an advanced state of decline that cannot be reversed
  • experience unbearable physical or mental suffering from your illness, disease, disability or state of decline that cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable

You do not need to have a fatal or terminal condition to be eligible for medical assistance in dying.2 [Emphasis added — REL]

If you are miserable and want out of your life with “ONLY” a mental illness as a reason, you will have to go along living and suffering for a while longer. At least to get State assistance in checking out, you have to hold on until March 27, 2027 before the State will knock you off. BUT, if you can conjure or work up a medical condition along with your wish to end your life for mental health reasons, you are in luck! With that little addendum, you qualify for sweet, swift and supportive Medical Assistance in Dying since, “If you have a mental illness along with other medical conditions, you may be eligible for medical assistance in dying.”3
Of course, to make sure that your particular needs are being taken into account, not our need to get rid of as many people as possible (anyone for as spot of depopulation this evening, folks?), we do make sure that, “Eligibility is always assessed on an individual basis and takes all relevant circumstances into account. However, you must meet all the criteria to be eligible.”4

Goodness, gracious me! We certainly would not want to execute, er, euthanize, anyone who did not meet ALL the criteria, now would we! There are, after all, rules about this sort of thing. You know: the safeguards.

In fact, there is a whole free, subsidized, Canadian government curriculum on how to make sure that your doctors and nurse practitioners know how to turn you from a patient into a corpse. Question: is there a financial or other bonus structure for killing your patients? If anyone has accurate information to answer that question, please reach out to me at releyes3@gmail.com to share the information and the source with me.


LawyerLisa’s Substack
EUTHANASIA CURRICULUM free until March 26, 2024. You can never get enough publicly funded health care in Canada.
“Curriculum Overview…
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What we are seeing, as I wrote in the “NUTRICIDE: The Killing Fields of Codex Alimentarius5

is the

“… modern incarnation of the “Eugenicists” belief in the moral and economic imperative which makes it incumbent and urgently correct for those who control society to protect and perfect it from depredation and defilement by “them” for the benefit of the rightful masters of monetary and moral gold: “us” whatever it may cost “them”.

The social “sterilization” slope is steep and well lubricated with moral self-justification driven by self-interest and worse. [It begins] with those with “physical disabilities” and [extends] to those with “social disabilities”, widening to those with “genetic disabilities” and culminating finally with those with “political disabilities.

“While examining how the Nazis treated people with disabilities it is wise to review the macropolitical and social forces that still impact our view of the disabled today.” notes Professor Mark Mostert of Regent University in his informative essay, “Useless Eaters”,6 Dr. Mostert reminds us that when considering our response to the vulnerable in our society, it is wise to remain aware of “the role of science, the power of ideas, the convergence of macrosocial convictions, the complicity of the medical profession, and the role of propaganda”7 He points out that what made the idea of eugenics dangerous did not lie in the concept itself but the way in which it was co-opted to drive social actions “with scant regard for decency and compassion”.8
Codex [Alimentarius]9 has co-opted science to drive social actions with the same scant regard for decency and compassion and now presents a threat as great to the global community as the Nazi killing machine presented to Europe. In our global society, Fritz ter Meer’s10 world view, embodied so well in Codex Alimentarius and its deadly policies, extends to global urban slums and low economic level villages rendering their inhabitants useless and therefore ripe for “disinfection”. Those who resisted were silenced in the tidal wave of demand for conformity of all people, everywhere in all ways. Those who resist Codex are silenced in the same tidal wave of demand for conformity of all food, everywhere in all ways. In a weird historical twist, Nazi inspired genocide has gone from being based on what you are to what you eat. The result of Codex Alimentarius is much the same without the need to institute expensive and resource-consuming Killing Centers or Death Camps. Poison the food in village markets and city supermarkets and they become your death camps. Think about how much money you save and how much blame you escape!

German “social sanitation” began with a definition of who was useful to society and who was not. Those with obvious disabilities were the first class of ‘useless eaters.’ Next came people with “economic and social disabilities” and then people with “political and ethnic disabilities”. Slipping from lack of economic productivity to lack of acceptable behavior to lack of social and political conformity to lack of genetic conformity, the slope was steep and easy to slide down. “Sanitizing” and “disinfecting” society becomes a responsible act to protect it until the unworthy, those not worth saving, are purged and, so it is claimed, their demise “strengthens” the survivors.

Make no mistake: despite its claims to be scientific and benign, Codex [and the entire Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals {SDGs}, of which Codex is a central part -REL] is a death machine coming out of a long tradition which justifies the death of those of us who are “Useless Eaters”, a term popularized in Germany by Professors Karl Binding and Alfred Hotch in their 1920 essay, “Permission for the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life”. In this widely read – and debated – essay, the academics argued that the right to be alive was earned, not conferred, and that killing people with disabilities, or others whom they determined were unworthy to live, was justified. The right to live was earned, they argued, by being a useful economic contributor to society. Absent that ability, one becomes a “useless eater” who, because they are not needed, may be disposed of. Included in the class of “useless eaters” under the Nazis were the disabled and the mentally ill, the vagrant and the unemployable. This world view, in which ter Meer11 vigorously participated, would lay the foundation for Codex [and the entire Agenda 2030 SDG] sub text: survivors collaborate with the major international corporate sectors (Big Pharma, Big Agribiz, Big Biotechnica, Big Chema and Big Medica) to centralize distribution, standardization, trade and accumulate wealth through illness. Simultaneously, remove those who were not useful to serve the needs of the new rulers who would preside over the new economy: one without consumers, only masters and their servitors.

Under the Nazi system, the one which ter Meer served so successfully and ardently championed, the economic worth of an individual determined his social standing and his right to the resources available. People of lower economic worth could be deprived of support or resources without social guilt: hundreds of thousands of vulnerable and disabled Germans were permitted to die of inadequate sanitation, medication, food, shelter and clothing because they were useless eaters and their loss strengthened the State. This valuation of human life by economic markers was a key intellectual piece in the social acceptance of genocide. As institutional care for the indigent, insane and disabled vanished, these vulnerable populations were seen as a danger to social morals and decency. As in the US, dysfunctional behavior was increasingly viewed as a legal offense and the disabled entered the criminal system by virtue of their dysfunctional behavior. The cost of their incarceration was then seen as a drain on the economy and pressure for their elimination mounted while economic disability, physical disability and criminality became fused in the public mind.

In fact, by the late 1930’s in Germany there was open dialogue about the desirability of killing inmates of asylums. Useless eaters all, there was no reason that society should not be served by killing them and giving the resources that they would consume to the worthy. Social Darwinism, whose most extreme version is eugenics, holds that all behavior is genetic, the strongest, richest, whitest, blondest, most powerful are the most genetically desirable and that incarceration, sterilization or death would rid the population of undesirable genes, thus making it stronger and more successful. In ter Meer’s world, the poor were more likely to commit social offenses so they were the least worthy of resources to consume. If they were really worthy of maintaining life, they would be making a significant contribution to society. Since they were not, and were only useless eaters, they could – and should – be disposed of for the good of the remaining members of society, those worthy of life.

“Eugenics”, coined by Francis Galton in 1881, gained its most influential early proponent in Charles Davenport, an American who defined the term as “the science [sic] of the improvement of the human race by better breeding.” The concept was popular with Americans and found a place in the United States when Cary Buck, whose mother was “feebleminded”, gave birth to an illegitimate “feebleminded” child in 1927. Politicians jumped on the issue and many states passed laws requiring compulsory sterilization of the mentally defective. Useless eaters, they should not be permitted to procreate.

In the Germany of the Nazis, the inferiors of the world would be eliminated through “Positive Eugenics” or high birth rates by desirable people and “Negative Eugenics”, the death of undesirable people who had neither genetic nor economic worth and, because these factors were determined by genetics, would never develop any desirable characteristics, traits or contributions to society. IG Farben’s Germany had 220 Health Courts which determined who would be involuntarily sterilized before the ter Meer’s death camps went into full swing. It is interesting to note that the linguistic confusion and obfuscation caused by the merger of “health” with “death” has strong echoes in our own society in which “healthcare” is actually, for most people, “illness care”. Very much in the spirit of the current Administration’s12 new Military Tribunals for American citizens (which were recently decried by the American Bar Association), in which anyone who is thought to be a “suspected terrorist” (including, according to Arizona branch of the FBI, a person who “defends the US Constitution”) may be held without legal representation, charges or a trial for an indefinite period, Germany’s “Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals” stipulated that people who qualified could be held in indeterminate “protective custody”. Further, they could be surgically castrated and committed to asylums at the whim of the Health Court. Hitler reasoned that, although it was his intent to murder the “undesirable”, only the heat of war would ready the German public, conditioned by suitable propaganda, to accept that course of “cleansing” action. Entire classes of people, defined by biological markers like skin color, social markers like opposing political views or economic markers like poverty could be easily classed as low value, high threat populations and could be dispensed with. Racial, ethnic, social and economic profiling run amok coupled with the concept of Social Darwinism and the waste engendered by useless eaters leads to only one conclusion: get rid of THEM for the safety and good of US.

1939 was the year in which Germans were officially informed that it was their duty to be healthy. It was also the year that the German Children’s Killing Program was launched to officiate over the extermination of all children with disabilities or who were otherwise not wanted. Pediatric useless eaters, too, were disposable. Reporting directly to Hitler under the scientific-sounding “Committee for the Scientific Treatment of Severe, Genetically Diseased Illness”, the Children’s Killing Program produced a document on August 18, 1939 which called for the registration of all children up to the age of 3 with any kind of disability. Across Germany, midwives were paid a bounty for every child registered. Reports went to 3 German doctors who marked the children’s records either for survival (a minus sign), termination at a later time or, if their records were marked with a plus sign, for what was variously called “treatment”, “disinfection”, “cleaning”, “therapy” or “selection”.

Housed in 28 “killing centers”, medical staff supervised and participated actively in the removal of tiny useless eaters. Starvation (not preferred as it took too long), exposure to the cold German winters, chemical agents or lethal injections to the heart were, in ter Meer’s Germany, perfectly acceptable actions to get rid of socially useless people with the help and participation of the medial world. The source of the chemicals for the lethal injections? IG Farben.

In 1939, Hitler personally authorized “Aktion T4”, a program to kill all “adult undesirables”. Because shooting them in the back of the head (4000 Poles), tying them together and blowing them up with dynamite and mass train wrecks were inefficient and unsavory, mass carbon monoxide poisoning became the favored means of extermination. It was noted by the German authorities that the murder of so many inmates and patients at such close range exacted too heavy a toll from their killers so less intimate means of killing larger numbers of people were needed. IG Farben was happy to oblige.

Carbon monoxide was settled on as the answer and six large “Killing Centers” were set up. The engines that produced the carbon monoxide were produced by I G Farben. So were the hoses and showerheads which carried the deadly gas to the useless eaters. Once dead, their bodies were plundered for gold teeth and used for autopsies and “practice cadavers” for German surgeons in training. After cremation in the IG Farben-produced crematoria, non-specific ashes were sent to grieving families at the expense of the victim’s kin if they requested them in urns made by IG Farben.

Favorite alleged causes of death were “breathing problems”, stroke, meningitis and pneumonia.

By 1941, children up to 17 were exterminated in the Children’s Killing Program (although Jewish children were excluded since they did not deserve a “merciful” death) and between 70,000 and 80,000 Germans and Eastern European useless eaters were allowed to die in this way by personnel chosen specifically for their brutality and devotion to the Nazi ideals. Physicians, however, remained in charge since, according to one of the top officials of the program, Viktor Brcek, “The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor.” On the occasion of the 10,000th victim of the Killing Center at Hagdamar, a festive party ‘was held in the IG Farben-built crematorium where the staff celebrated with beer, dancing to a polka band and a mock burial of the latest victim shrouded in a swastika banner.

During the Killing Center warm up period for the death camps to come, the “inhalation therapy” rooms into which the naked victims of impending “disinfection” were herded were not satisfactory since the victims “resisted the need for this therapy”. This led the Nazi exterminators to change the guise of the rooms: perforated tubes for the introduction of carbon monoxide were replaced with shower heads which was both more familiar and more acceptable to those about to be “sanitized”. Under the conceptual system of ter Meer and the other exterminators of useless eaters, their economic non-productivity and economic drain on the resources of society were sufficient reason to disinfect society of them.

A German report noted that this human sanitation had saved the government 885,439,980 Reich Marks (RMs):

• 13,490,440 RMs on meat and sausage
• 708,350 on jam
• 1,054,080 on cheese
• 20,857,026 on bread13

The Aktion T4 program came to an end in 1941 when Roman Catholic Bishop Clemens von Galen preached a fiery sermon denouncing the program. His August 3 sermon was widely circulated in Germany. Catalyzing growing German unease because of an emerging penetration of the lies surrounding their loved one’s death and the outrage of their kin, the Nazi regime feared popular and international backlash (especially the Swiss-based Red Cross) so Aktion T4 was shut down.

The killing, however, continued because useless eaters still drained the coffers of the state and the sensibilities of the public. The responsibility for their extermination was transferred to more than 100 hospitals where lethal injections, starvation and exposure were the most favored means of extermination. IG Farben made Germany’s drugs and chemicals, lethal and otherwise.

When the program was shut down, particularly brutal and efficient staff members of the Killing Centers were rewarded with appointments as the first Commandants of the death camps of Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka.14

Does “the needle belong in the hand of the doctor” when the needle is a tool of death? I am a physician. I cannot think of many times or ways in which extreme physical suffering cannot be modulated, mediated or mitigated with appropriate medical or surgical techniques to ease the suffering of a dying patient. So, the need for compassionate murder, or euthanasia, is, in my experience, extremely rare. Yes, it does happen. But the wholesale slaughter of the useless eaters of convenience of this moment down the same slippery geno-slide we have gone down before is not serving us. It is serving those who would use Malthusian Management to manage us out of existence.

In other words, we are looking at UN programs and intentions.


We cannot fix this by stopping the programs alone. We must stop the monsters who create the programs to destroy us.

Visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the simple actions there to let your Members of Congress know that we want, expect and demand that they get us out of the United Nations.

The new Republican-Controlled Congress under a President who very much wants adulation as a populist president gives us a remarkable chance to get out of the United Nations Death Machine. Now would be a very good time to let the people at the decision-making points of action and power know what we demand. Out. Now. That’s where we start.

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Codex Alimentarius is a Commission jointly run by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization. While offering “voluntary” standards for the production and international trade of food, those standards are used by the World Trade Organization for the imposition of significant financial sanctions and are generally dispositive.
Food and nutrient standards have undergone a regular and continuous degradation fueled largely by the United States’ leadership on behalf of the pharmaceutical, agribiz and bioengineering interests which control US food policy.


Fritz ter Meer was a German pharmaceutical executive [Bayer] who became a major policy-setter during his tenure as the head of IG Farben, the civilian portion of the German War Machine. He was the creator of the ghastly “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Brings Freedom”) slogan over the gates of Auschwitz Concentration Camp [Official Name: Auschwitz Birkenau, German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp].
Following his release for war crimes after WW II, ter Meer went back to his previous job and, along with other released IG Farben executives (all members of the pharmaceutical industry), they proposed the creation of Codex Alimentarius to the United Nations so that organization could control the world’s food supply. Codex Alimentarius was created in 1963. For more information, see Nutricide Revisited — Brighteon.com


Under George W. Bush’s Presidency




Михаэль Лойман / Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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