Sat. Jun 1st, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time,
but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln


The article claims that the ban has come as a total surprise and “caused pushback from numerous reporters present in Ukraine”

GENEVA, August 22. /TASS/. The heavy losses of the Ukrainian forces, whose so-called counteroffensive failed to result in a breakthrough, could be the reason behind the ban on foreign reporters visiting the frontline, Switzerland’s Le Temps says.

The article claims that the ban has come as a total surprise and “caused pushback from numerous reporters present in Ukraine: the frontline is completely off-limits for them, unless they have written permission from armed forces commander Valery Zaluzhny.”

A military representative, who commented for Le Temps on condition of anonymity, claimed that “either the general staff is hiding its military difficulties and especially its war casualties that we mourn on several fronts, or a major operation is being prepared.”

The newspaper points out that the general staff’s order banning reporters from visiting the frontline came at the same time that “numerous casualties were suffered during the counteroffensive, which started in early June, while Ukrainian forces were unable to breach the Russian defense.” The Ukrainian government points to “territorial gains,” but “these achievements are Lilliputian” compared to territories that Kiev wants to “liberate,” Le Temps says.

The newspaper pointed out that this is not the first time that Kiev has completely banned reporters from visiting the frontline. A similar thing happened in September, 2022, during Ukraine’s “blitz offensive” in the Kharkov region, the newspaper noted.

“The general staff counts on the recently mobilized and those with more combat experience in order to replenish casualties, reinforce personnel and striking power. These people were sent for training in Poland, Germany and the UK,” the report says.

One serviceman, who underwent such training in Poland, told Le Temps that the upcoming weeks will be “decisive and brutal.”

“It is very likely that we will be deployed where the most brutal offensive will take place. A part of our training in Poland was to prepare exactly for that. We are entering a decisive phase,” he claimed. This serviceman also expressed concern that the “rains will come, and then winter, before Ukrainian forces will have enough time to breach Russian defenses and achieve significant territorial gains.”.

Foreign mercenaries reveal shocking casualty rates in Ukraine – media

In some units, more than eight out of ten men have been wounded or killed, ABC News has reported
Foreign mercenaries reveal shocking casualty rates in Ukraine – media

Some Ukrainian units have suffered casualty rates of 85% during their ongoing counteroffensive against Russian forces, Western mercenaries told ABC News on Thursday. The report aligns with casualty figures released by Russia, which claims that its forces have incapacitated 43,000 Ukrainian troops in two months.

An US army veteran fighting with Ukrainian special forces near Donetsk told ABC that his unit of “dozens” of men took “85% casualties” during an assault on a village near the city two weeks ago. Of those hit, 40% were injured so badly that they were left “combat ineffective” afterwards, he added.

His comrade, another American, said that the unit met “very organized resistance” from Russian troops.

A third mercenary, from an unidentified Western nation, told the network that he had been seriously injured in the early days of the counteroffensive, and that around 80% of his battalion had since been wounded.

Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed – US congressman

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Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed – US congressman

The Ukrainian government does not release casualty figures, meaning that the public has to rely on other clues – such as unverified reports of expanded graveyards – to ascertain the scale of the losses.

In February, leaked Pentagon documents suggested that Kiev had assembled 12 brigades for the counteroffensive, including nine trained and equipped by NATO. With a brigade typically numbering between 2,000 and 4,000 troops, a casualty rate of up to 85% could roughly align with Moscow’s figures. The US believes that Kiev has sent tens of thousands more men to the frontline since the start of the offensive, with officials telling Politico earlier this month that 150,000 troops are currently involved in the operation.

American intelligence and military leaders believe that the counteroffensive will fail, and knew in advance that Ukraine’s chances of success were slim, according to recent media reports. Kiev intends to push south through the Zaporozhye region and reach the city of Melitopol near the Sea of Azov, which would split the Russian front and cut off its land access to Crimea. However, multiple lines of Russian trenches, bunkers, and minefields stand in the way, and without air support, Kiev’s forces have struggled to reach even the first of these lines.

“We lost three Leopards [German-made tanks] in one day because they were just told to drive forward into a minefield,” one Western mercenary told ABC, adding that newly-conscripted Ukrainian soldiers lack the requisite training for complex offensive operations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has characterized the Ukrainian offensive as “suicidal,” and declared in June that no matter how much Western weaponry is sent to the battlefield, Kiev’s “mobilization reserve is not unlimited.”

“It seems Ukraine’s Western allies are indeed prepared to wage the war to the last Ukrainian,” Putin stated at the time.


All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing


Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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