Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln


On Friday, the Secure Community Network (SCN), which describes itself as “the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America,” sent Jewish communities around the country notice that a group called the Goyim Defense League (GDL) had proclaimed the following day a “Day of Hate.” The SCN noted that although there had been “no specific or direct threat or even a threat at all,” it would be prudent to be on guard if the neo-Nazis came around. As of this writing, on Saturday afternoon, they haven’t; the Day of Hate turned out to be a quiet weekend day. For that we can all be grateful, but questions linger, chiefly revolving around the “Goyim Defense League” itself. Who are these guys, anyway?

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) states in a fact sheet that was originally published in May 2022 that the group “is a loose network of individuals connected by their virulent antisemitism. The group includes five or six primary organizers/public figures, dozens of supporters and thousands of online followers.”

The far-Left ADL lets its narcissism get in the way of its analysis, as it claims that “GDL parodies the Anti-Defamation League’s name and logo by replacing ‘Anti-Defamation’ with ‘Goyim Defense’ – ‘Goyim’ being a disparaging Yiddish and Hebrew word for non-Jews.” It’s obvious, however, that the name “Goyim Defense League” is not a parody of “Anti-Defamation League,” but of “Jewish Defense League,” a group that the FBI has stated, under heavy political pressure, was a “right-wing terrorist group.” Why would the GDL pattern its name after a group that some claim is a terrorist group? Could it be that the GDL wants people to think they’re terrorists?

The GDL, says the Anti-Defamation League, “operates GoyimTV, a video platform that streams antisemitic content.” GoyimTV is full of openly and luridly National Socialist (that’s what Nazi means, kids) material, with videos turned out in massive quantities praising Hitler and his associates, and slyly associating contemporary mainstream conservativism with National Socialism. One video is entitled “Zionist Jews Are at the Forefront of Advancing Gun Control in the United States.” Another is “Covid vaccines: 38X stillbirths, 57X miscarriages, 1200X menstrual abnormalities says James Thorp MD.” A third apes America-First concerns by asking: “Are We For East Palestine Or Ukraine? Senator Hawley Discusses With Tucker Carlson.”

If someone wanted to make a series of videos designed to shame (and change the minds of) uninformed or underinformed conservatives by making them think that the positions that leading figures of the Right take today are really a recrudescence of National Socialism, it would look a great deal like GoyimTV.

Almost all of the GDL’s videos, however, which it produces on an industrial scale (how?) have just a handful of views. The group only shot to national prominence on Thursday, when video began circulating of a handful of GDL members harassing Jews in South Florida. One of them, armed with a bullhorn, is seen hurling vile insults at Jews in their cars while they’re stopped for red lights. The bullhorn guy’s comrades are seen fleetingly. All of the other GDL members in the video appear to be young men in generally good shape. They are reminiscent of the members of the Patriot Front, a “right-wing extremist” group that many have derided as being obvious feds pretending to be white supremacists. When the Patriot Front marched in Boston, former Fox News producer Kyle Becker needled the FBI: “The Feds are putting on off-Broadway musicals now. Coming to a town near you: ‘The Patriot Front!’” Daily Wire host Michael Knowles added: “It’s literally called a ‘front.’ A little on the nose, Quantico!”

These suspicions were amply justified. FBI whistleblowers have revealed that Biden’s handlers’ FBI “pressured and incentivized’ agents to classify cases as “domestic violent extremism.” FBI top dogs even pressured agents to construct domestic terrorism cases and claim that the people involved in them were white supremacists so as to “meet internal metrics.” Would an FBI that is so corrupt as to do all that stop at creating an actual group of “right-wing extremists”?

The GDL may be completely real, but like the Patriot Front, it’s a little too “on the nose,” as Knowles said. They called for a “Day of Hate,” in perfect alignment with the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center labeling legitimate conservative groups as “hate groups,” and in tone-deaf unawareness of the fact that people who are really in such groups don’t really think they’re hating at all. The GDL is made up of gleeful and open Nazis who all happen to look like feds; nary a fat or elderly man among them. They espouse positions that just happen to coincide with mainstream conservative positions that the Biden regime and its FBI hate and wish to stamp out. What a coincidence!

The media attention they’ve received is also in line with their not being legit. The “Day of Hate” resulted in far more Leftists accusing Trump and DeSantis and all other conservatives with approving of it than it did in actual incidents of hate. It also deflects attention once again from the genuine antisemitism that is becoming increasingly mainstream on the Left. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez don’t proclaim “Days of Hate”; they just make antisemitism mainstream from the halls of Congress. Real antisemitism is coming from the BDS  (boycott Jews) movement and Leftist professors on campuses all over the country. The rise in antisemitism can be directly correlated with the hatred of Israel that is now essentially required to be a Leftist, and with the concerns for “Islamophobia” that prevent the Left from examining and resisting deeply-rooted Islamic antisemitism. Even the ADL itself has succumbed to this. It smears and demonizes even staunch supporters of Israel who don’t share its far-Left perspectives. And it recently named Tema Smith its Director of Jewish Outreach. A hard-Left activist, Smith has praised an article that was entitled “There Are No Good Guys In The Gaza-Israel Conflict” and said: “Hamas—and the Palestinians as a whole—have desperately real and legitimate grievances against Israel.”

But now we have the Goyim Defense League, so we can forget about all the hatred of Jews coming from the Left. That appears to have been the idea all along.


All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing


VIDEO: MEIR KAKHANE. In 1988, KAKH was banned not for racism


Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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