Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Sunday evening that during the month of January, the defense establishment cleared 38 illegal structures in Judea and Samaria.

“Since the beginning of January, the defense establishment evicted 38 illegal Palestinian structures in Judea and Samaria. The situation in which the Palestinians rampantly build illegally, in an attempt to set facts on the ground, is over,” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter.

Earlier in the day, during the cabinet meeting, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir presented a document containing images of a series of illegal structures built by Arabs in Judea and Samaria in the last month and demanded that they be destroyed as well as buildings illegally constructed by Jews.

Ben-Gvir told Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, “You enforced on Friday since it was against the law, but what about Khan al-Akmar?”

Netanyahu replied: “We enforce the law equally, today the administration destroyed three illegal Arab houses.” Ben-Gvir answered: “Not at all equal, here is a sample from last month.”

At the top of the list submitted by Minister Ben Gabir to the government ministers is the illegal outpost Khan al-Ahmar. In addition, the minister presented buildings that were built in the last month throughout Judea and Samaria: in As-Sawiya (near Rehelim), in Mukhmas (near Ma’ale Michmash), in Al Mughayyir (between Shiloh and Kochav Hashahar), in Jit (near Kedumim) and illegal construction between the villages of Al-Aroub and Beit Ummar – and demanded that equal enforcement be applied to these buildings as well and that they all be destroyed immediately following the demolishing of a new Jewish outpost on Friday.

“A law is a law and is the same law for all, on my watch, I will not accept racism against Jews, and just as the Minister of Defense chose to destroy the Jewish outpost, we demand the destruction of illegal Arab construction in Judea and Samaria.”

Before the Cabinet meeting, Ben-Gvir said: “As National Security Minister, I believe in the rule of law, but there cannot be one law for the Arabs and one law for the Jews. The law should also be enforced on Khan al-Ahmar and dozens of illegal Arab outposts.”