Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln

Kerryn Phelps Details her Vaccine Injuries, exposes the Silence Machine

Former Australian Medical Association President and a former MP, Dr. Kerryn Phelps, just defected and is on our side!

A wide-ranging article in The Chronicle reveals that she and her wife suffered devastating injuries from Covid vaccines. Dr. Phelps submitted her reports of injuries, as well as her mistreatment and silence imposed on Australian doctors, to the Parliament of Australia.

Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.

In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.

She exposes the conspiracy of silence among Australian doctors, enforced by AHPRA (Australian health practitioner association).

She revealed she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.

“Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration,” she wrote.

Curious Timing of Dr. Phelps’s Submission

The vaccine injury happened to Dr. Phelps around July 2021.

Dr Phelps revealed she was also diagnosed with a vaccine injury from her second dose of Pfizer in July 2021, “with the diagnosis and causation confirmed by specialist colleagues”.

What was she doing in January 2022? That’s right, pushing Covid vaccines to be administered to kids.

I am glad and excited Dr. Phelps came out now and is detailing her vaccine injuries and making them public – as the tide is turning.

I am less happy that she contributed to vaccinating Australian children in January 2022 while fully aware that unsafe Covid vaccines poisoned her and her wife in July 2021.

Do you think Dr. Phelps is sincerely motivated by wanting to share her suffering and warn others? Or is she jumping on the anti-vaccine bandwagon as she realizes that the tide is turning?

VIDEO: Every person who is now in the hospital is vaccinated. And even more than that, every dead person is vaccinated


Michael Loyman


By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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