Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln

Here’s a story you won’t find in The New York TimesThe Washington PostThe Guardian, nor on the BBC or NPR or Canal Cinq or Deutsche Welle, either. It tells about the advanced pediatric cardiology care Israeli doctors provide to Palestinian (and other) children, often for free. That story makes Israel look good, and that will never do – so the major media find it best to ignore it. But you and I know differently; it’s an important story, that tells a lot about those “Zionists” we are constantly being brainwashed to hate.

A 5-year-old boy from Gaza was brought on Sunday to the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, where Israeli doctors performed open-heart surgery to save his life, making him the 3,000th child from the Palestinian territories to undergo such surgery in Israel as part of an Israeli NGO’s program.

Amir Yichya Mabchuch from Jabaliya, just north of Gaza City, was brought by Save a Child’s Heart, an Israeli NGO that, since its foundation in 1995, has helped more than 6,000 children travel from abroad with their families for the critical operations.

Of the 6,000 children from 65 countries who have had heart surgery performed, and their lives saved, by Israeli doctors working with the Israeli NGO, Save a Child’s Heart, half of them have been Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank. Many of the families of those 6,000 patients have not had to pay a cent for their treatment. (The state of Israel, kind and generous to its enemies, also did not pay. WE, its citizens, pay for all the kindness and generosity of our state. M. L.).

The children have hailed from over 65 countries, most of which are in the developing world, and many of which have no diplomatic ties with Jerusalem. 

Mabchuch was first diagnosed with a heart defect at two months of age. His mother, Maha, had brought him to be seen for a viral infection, when the family’s doctor spotted a blockage in one of the infant’s coronary arteries.

From the very beginning, “we understood that Amir would require an operation to fix the defect,” his mother said.

The child has not enjoyed a normal, carefree childhood. He has been unable to perform simple tasks and he has not been allowed to run around, or even walk for long periods, lest the exertion prove too much for his fragile heart. Instead, his entire life, he has been under constant medical supervision.

When Amir’s family found out about the option of getting him heart surgery in Israel during a check-up in Gaza, they jumped at the opportunity.

“When the doctors told us there was a possibility for Israeli doctors to carry out the complicated operation Amir needed, we were so happy. Everyone here in Gaza talks about how Israeli doctors are the most professional in the world and that they can be trusted completely,” Amir’s mother said.

The Palestinian doctor in Gaza who suggested to Amir’s father that his son could be best treated in Israel knew, as no doubt did all of his medical colleagues throughout the Strip, that the Israelis are not the monsters they are depicted as being by Palestinian propagandists, and with special savagery, by those who belong to the terror group Hamas, that rules Gaza with an iron fist. Israeli doctors have been, in fact, the lifesavers – in the literal sense – of thousands of Palestinian children. Three thousand of those children have been provided to date with heart treatments, including open-heart surgery, and thousands more Palestinian children have been treated for other life-threatening conditions. (And besides the fact that Plasteline children are brought to Israel for treatment, children (and not only children) are also brought to us for treatment from 65 countries, including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries hostile to Israel. countries. That’s why when Israelis need medical help, they have to wait in line for check-ups, consultations, diagnostics for 4-8 months. M. L.).

Aside from children in need of the advanced medical care that Israeli doctors provide, another group of Palestinians insists on being treated by Israeli doctors as well. These are the leaders of both Hamas and the P.A., and their relatives. They spend years denouncing Israel, (And they not only condemn, but also kill Jews. And despite this, the state of Israel heals, supports and protects the murderers of its people. M.L.) but when they need a doctor, they head straight for an Israeli hospital. When the P.A.’s top propagandist, Saeb Erekat, came down with COVID, he — who had spent his entire adult life maligning the Israelis as “killers” — insisted on being admitted to the Hadassah Keren Hospital, rather than to any of the Palestinian hospitals.

In 2014, the wife of PA leader Mahmoud Abbas was successfully treated in Israel for a still-unknown condition. In 2018, an Israeli specialist was sent to Ramallah to treat Abbas himself, resulting in a dramatic improvement in his health and apparently saving his life. Of course this information was kept very quiet by those treated, who didn’t want it known that they rely on Israeli doctors for their own treatment, which would undermine their constant denunciations of Israel’s cruelty towards the Palestinians. And they certainly don’t want their own people to learn of the special medical care that they receive from Israeli doctors. You won’t find any mention of these patients, and their Israeli doctors, in the Palestinian press.


And the saddest thing is that the state understands that out of 3,000 plasticine children who were saved by Israeli doctors, at least 90%, when they grow up, will become martyrs and will kill our children and grandchildren. The Israeli people have no greater enemy than their Israeli government.

Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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