Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth

Here’s an email I sent to my doctor today. If you have your doctor’s email address (a rare thing), maybe you can ask too, because I doubt I will get a response and I REALLY want to know the answers! 2022

Feel free to plagiarize my email. If I get a response, I’ll post it here. Don’t hold your breath.

Another option: you can just compose a short email asking your doctor to debunk me by answering a few simple questions and refer her to this article.

My letter

Hi Dr. Sangani,

I don’t want to be the world’s top misinformation superspreader, but according to Google, I’m it. I’m writing to see if you can help me.

Michele said you said my positions on the vaccine are not based on science.

I want you to know that I’m VERY open to being shown I’m wrong.

Here are 12 questions I am hoping you can answer for me. I have hundreds more. These are just a few off the top of my head. If you can answer these, it would be a great start and I would really appreciate it!!!

  1. Can you tell me why the authorities all over the world (except FL Surgeon General Joe Ladapo) ignore the evidence IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS by the world’s top scientists SHOWING the COVID vaccine is killing people?
  2. Can you tell me how we can be assured that the mRNA sequence is intact at the time of injection when the FDA whistleblower at the Johnson committee admitted there is no quality control? This was a well-known problem before the vaccine was approved (the European regulator complained about it), but there was NEVER ANY EVIDENCE they FIXED the problem. If there is evidence, where is it? Without 100% mRNA integrity, the vaccine can’t work, right? How do you know? The drug companies haven’t done any studies and they PROHIBIT anyone from doing these studies. If it is safe and effective, why the prohibition on research studies? Heck, we don’t even know if the mRNA sequence being delivered is the same as what was in the trials.
  3. The strange blood clots, it’s impossible for these foot long (or more) amyloid clots featured in the movie Died Suddenly to form post-mortem. There is a very plausible mechanism of action for the vaccine causing these. And these clots have been seen, in some cases, in over 90% of embalming cases by embalmers all over the world. It only started AFTER the vaccine rolled out. So if it isn’t the vaccine causing these strange novel clots, what is?
  4. Why won’t any government in the world allow independent research on the vaccines? We need to characterize what happens when people are injected with degraded mRNA. NOBODY is allowed to do any INDEPENDENT research on the vaccines to find out critical safety questions.
  5. Maddie de Garay (who was 12 years old when she entered the Pfizer trial for was paralyzed for life from the Pfizer shot. The paralysis started LESS THAN 24 hours after the shot. IT WAS NEVER REPORTED as an adverse event. If it was, show me where. Isn’t this corruption that the medical community should be up in arms about? 1 child in 1,000 being paralyzed and they ignore it?!
  6. If the vaccines aren’t killing people, then why, in a random sample of 35 deaths in Germany within 20 days of the vaccine, are most of them clustered within 2 days of vaccination? They should have been randomly distributed over the 20 day period.
  7. Can you tell me why the CDC *deliberately* ignored the DEATH safety signal generated by the VAERS system for the COVID vaccine?
  8. Can you tell me why there are over 15,000 *EXCESS* deaths for the COVID vaccine (over baseline deaths normally reported in VAERS after vaccination). This is unprecedented. If it isn’t the vaccine, what is it? It is not “overreporting” based on physician surveys, nor is there any evidence of gaming. What is the more likely explanation if it isn’t the vaccine? Also, you have to multiply that number by 41 since VAERS is underreported by at least that amount.
  9. Can you tell me why the Chair of the ACIP committee *REFUSED* to see the authenticated safety data from the Israeli Ministry of Health *PROVING* that the COVID vaccines cause severe adverse events that do NOT resolve over time?
  10. Can you tell me why a Silicon Valley neurologist with 20,000 patients has seen 1,000 vaccine related injuries from the COVID vaccine in the last two years that qualify to be VAERS reportable? # of VAERS reportable vaccine injuries in the last 11 years: ZERO. If the vaccines are safe and effective, how do you explain that? Do you want to talk to her?
  11. Can you tell me why masks work when BOTH randomized trials (Denmark and Bangladesh) *FAILED* to find a signal. How could both trials have missed such a strong effect? In Bangladesh, the curves for the purple masked and unmasked OVERLAPPED each other. They were INDISTINGUISHABLE. If the masks work, why couldn’t we see a difference? It’s in their OWN data… we looked at the Github repo they gave us. And the first author, Yale Professor Jason Abaluck, got destroyed when he was asked to defend his study. We have the video. Do you want to see it? Can you explain why Science didn’t respond to famous British mathematics Professor Norman Fenton when he asked them to correct or retract the paper? If Fenton got it wrong, why didn’t Science show him how he was wrong? Here’s the chart for the purple clot masks vs. people who didn’t wear masks. Can you see which one is more effective? This is directly from the data in the study but for some really odd reason, this never made it into the paper. Can you believe that? Do you know why?
  12. Why did dozens of highly respected scientists suddenly go rogue and independently become “misinformation spreaders” after these vaccines rolled out? Paul Marik, Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Aseem Malhotra, Byram Bridle, etc… all highly respected with no history of conspiracy theories and they are all saying the SAME thing. In fact, some of us believed the narrative and took the vaccine (including me, Malone, Marik, Malhotra, …). If there is no science to justify skepticism, what motivated these people to TRASH their careers and reputations?

Looking forward to hearing from you on the answers.

It would do a lot to change my mind (and the minds of my fellow misinformation spreaders) if you can explain these. You would save thousands of lives if you would please answer these simple questions for us.

Thank you so much.




Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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