Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

It appears that one motive for the Foreign data set purge was to remove the MHRA reports from VAERS

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth

Which I can understand if they didn’t belong there in the first place! But …

As most of you know, me and a bunch of other people are monitoring VAERS data very closely week-by-week. This week (11.18.22), the first thing I noticed was that the Foreign data set was less than a fraction of the size it was last week (11.11.22): down from 283.51 MB to 96.81 MB. There is a disclaimer under the VAERS data that states the following, so this is not mistake.

Figure 1:

So the European regulators (whoever they are – and yes, we should know who they are as they are controlling the FDA and CDC’s actions whom, in turn, are trying to control all of us), just had the VAERS Foreign data set purged.

At first I thought that the reduction in the file size might have been due to the a reduction in the number of VAERS IDs, but, nope. It is due to a reduction in the data as per VAERS ID available to read and analyze. Of the many purged items, I noticed today that they literally removed SYMPTOM_TEXT entries for ~100,000 people. The SYMPTOM_TEXT field is just, blank. I entered the word ‘removed’ so I could count them.

We have known for a few weeks now that ~100,000 reports in the VAERS Foreign data set were MHRA reports from the Yellowcard system. I didn’t really nail down why they were there in the first place. The only thing I noticed upon a quick analysis was that the average age of the IDs that had age data was low, and that the distribution of data was centered around 25-39 year olds. It appeared ‘normal’ other than that.

This is the situation following the purge.

Now if this was simply about removing out-of-place VAERS IDs from the VAERS system to the Yellowcard system – which I could understand, by the way (hey, you got your Yellow in my VAERS!), then why were 5 reports left behind in the VAERS Foreign data set? All one has to do is extract all entries with the keyword ‘MHRA’ in the SYMPTOM_TEXT file to remove the Yellowcard entries. This clearly is not how the MHRA entries were removed.

So how did they do it? And how many other data are missing? How was the purge done?

This is just one example that I happened to find. I don’t know how the data that was removed was selected for. They simply state that ‘the data may not comply with European regulations’. I gotta tell ya. If this kind of reporting and detail is what I had submitted as part of my PhD thesis, I would not have a PhD right now.

Sarcasmo Jess: ‘Yeah so, my CMV dataset has huge holes in it with regard to genotype; I decided to take some people out of the data set because it didn’t fit my hypothesis. Give me my PhD.’

Even though this is the Foreign data set for VAERS, this non-compliance reason is still not good enough. THE PEOPLE NEED TO ASK WHAT EXACTLY DID NOT COMPLY WITH REGULATIONS. The answer might be fine! If it is simply a matter of misplaced ‘foreign’ data, so be it! But we need to ask if we want to know. What I know is that most of the Foreign data in VAERS comes from reports made directly to injection manufacturers that subsequently submit the report to VAERS, so they belong there, in my opinion.

More to come…

See Open VAERS for more.


Michael Loyman


By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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