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Arizona Attorney General’s Office Officially Opens Inquiry Into Voter Election Irregularities, Legal Violations, Voter Suppression

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth

BREAKING: The Elections Integrity Unit of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office has officially demanded a response from Maricopa County “pertaining to issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election in Maricopa County.”

Ariz. AG Takes Action – Ballots Reported in Black Duffle Bags – Officials Broke Election Laws – State Demands Names

Among the most troubling issues raised in the letter directed to Thomas Liddy with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office was the apparent co-mingling of ballots in black duffle bags in at least one polling location, which were successfully run through the on-site tabulators with those put in “Door 3” to be sent to the Election Department’s downtown Phoenix tabulation center because they could not be read.

“The Elections Integrity Unit (“Unit”) of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office (“AGO”) has received hundreds of complaints since Election Day pertaining to issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election in Maricopa County,” Wright opened her letter.

“These complaints go beyond pure speculation, but include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election law.”

“Furthermore, statements made by both Chairman Gates and Recorder Richer, along with information Maricopa County released through official modes of communication appear to confirm potential statutory violations of title 16.”

“Based on sworn complaints submitted by election workers employed by Maricopa County, the BOD printers were tested on Monday, November 7 without any apparent problems…

“…Many of those election workers report that despite the successful testing the night before, the tabulators began experiencing problems reading ballots printed by the BOD printers within the first thirty minutes of voting on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.”

The Attorney General is requesting a full report based on a “plethora” of complaints from election workers, poll observers, and voters on all locations with voting issues, and a “comprehensive log” of all changes made to printer settings prior to Election Day.

The AG is also requesting “standards for the BOD printer configuration settings” and “the precise time the non-uniform printer configuration settings were found to be the root cause of the problem; and the method used to update or reconfigure the printer configuration”

The AG also alleges that “Based on sworn complaints…poll workers reported that they were not trained and/or not provided with information on how to execute ‘check out’ procedures” for e-Pollbooks once a voter gave up and left one malfunctioning polling place for another.
Charlie Kirk

“Maricopa County appears to have failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines in segregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting the “Door 3” ballots…Maricopa County has admitted that. In some voting locations, “Door 3” non-tabulated ballots were commingled…”
Charlie Kirk

Finally, “…these issues relate to Maricopa County’s ability to lawfully certify election results – the Unit requests a response to the aforementioned issues on or before Maricopa County submits its official canvass to the SoS, which must occur on or before November 28, 2022.”

Arizona AG opens inquiry into Maricopa County election irregularities, possible legal violations

Election integrity unit demands evidence, full report before midterm results certified.

By John Solomon. November 20, 2022:

The Arizona attorney general’s office has opened an inquiry into Maricopa County’s handling of the mid-term elections, demanding a full report of well-publicized irregularities and warning there is evidence of “statutory violations.”

The letter from Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s election integrity unit marks a major escalation in the dispute over how voters were treated on Election Day in the state’s largest county, where scores of ballot tabulators had problems because of printing problems.

The problems have delayed the declaration of a winner in the razor-thin state attorney general’s race and led GOP gubernatorial candidate KariLake to question as premature the media’s declaration that her opponent, Democrat Katie Hobbs, won that race.

The letter sent late Saturday from Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright to the county’s chief civil division attorney, Thomas Liddy, demanded a full report on how the tabulator and printer issues were handled as well a copy of each voting location’s Official Ballot Report, including any discrepancies and explanations.
Wright demanded the evidence be turned over prior to the county sending its final canvas fir certification of the vote, which is due by Nov. 28.

“These complaints go beyond pure speculation, but include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election law,” she wrote. “Furthermore, statements made by both Chairman Gates and Recorder Richer, along with information Maricopa County released through official modes of communication appear to confirm potential statutory violations of title 16.”

The letter specifically cites possible legal violations related to improper instructions that poll workers gave voters whose ballot tabulations were delayed by the problems.
“Maricopa County appears to have failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines in segregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting the ‘Door 3’ ballots,” Wright wrote. “In fact, Maricopa County has admitted that in some voting locations, ‘Door 3’ non-tabulated ballots were commingled with tabulated ballots at the voting location.

“Further, we have received a sworn complaint from an election observer indicating that more than 1700 “Door 3” non-tabulated ballots from one voting location were placed in black duffle bags that were intended to be used for tabulated ballots,” she added.


Michael Loyman


By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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