Sun. Jul 7th, 2024


Confirming Conspiracy Theories When they Prove True is Fun


published a few recent posts that couldat first sightseem like I am inventing or spreading farfetched conspiracy theories.

If you think so, I am extremely offended because I do nothing of the sort!

Consider this absurd and baseless right-wing conspiracy theory about blocking the sun, which I never reported on:


Blocking the sun? How nonsensical! The idea that our authorities would try to block the sun is obviously completely crazy.

Fact-checker Snopes explains why this ridiculous theory is false:

As previously detailed by Snopes, a fact-checking organization, the assertion is largely based on sensationalist reports about the scope and ability of the SCoPEx project.


That makes sense, right? Except… I was so surprised yesterday, when I read this news, two years after the Snopes debunking:


Okay, so now, blocking the Sun is good for you and is no longer a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory.

What I Do and Don’t

I never report on futuristic and speculative conspiracy theories. It is just not my schtick. I am perfectly fine with other people doing so. I enjoy reading about, and thinking about, such futuristic predictions like “they will try to block the sun”. I think about them when investing my money. I also remember them.

I find such speculation interesting — and I think a lot about the future also — but I prefer not to write about speculative conspiracy ideas online because some of them might not prove true and then I would be embarrassed.

What I do report is actual news about things that have already happened.

When Dr. Mike Yeadon and others sounded alarms in 2020 and 2021 that Covid vaccines would destroy fertility, I stayed out of that discussion. The reason was that their concerns seemed very interesting and plausible, but they were based on predictions that might or might not pan out. I did not report on such allegations, but I remembered them.

What I do instead, involves reporting on recent news or analyzing data representing events that already happened. When fertility dropped and deaths soared as predicted in heavily vaccinated countries this year, I reported on the facts that actually transpired — that happened to validate the earlier theory that Covid vaccine can cause depopulation.

I am very aware that “conspiracy theories”, that is, speculation about the future based on uncertain, but interesting thoughts, often prove true and sometimes prove false. When they prove true, or false, I write about them accurately. It makes for interesting, engaging, informative content — that is no longer a conspiracy “theory”, but instead merely a report on facts and recent news.

“Conspiracy Theory” is a False Label Used for Suppression


A typical person usually does not want to appear crazy or insane in the eyes of others. So, if a newspaper tells someone that “blocking out the sun” is a conspiracy theory, it instantly makes this topic uncomfortable for the average layperson. If that layperson happens to have liberal leanings, calling such theories “right-wing conspiracy theories” makes them especially unappealing. The press and fact-checkers are very aware of that and intentionally use such terminology to prevent people from looking into such things deeper.

Here’s a good example:

To anyone with at least five functioning brain cells, this is absurd. How can a question of fact and science — whether Sars-Cov-2 was engineered before originating near a Chinese bio lab — be a “right-wing conspiracy theory”?

Sars-Cov-2 is either lab-engineered, or it is of natural origin and came from cave bats who somehow inserted a Moderna-patented sequence into a virus in their cave and then flew 1,000 miles to Wuhan to spread it in the vicinity of Wuhan’s biolab. There is nothing right-wing about considering either possibility carefully.

Well, obviously many people who are told that only right-wing, Asian-phobic crazies would think about this question, react in an illogical way, and refuse to even consider this possibility — out of fear of being labeled “right-wing conspiracists”. That is the reason why the term “conspiracy theory” is so abused by the media.

The takeaway here is that if you see a well-orchestrated media and fact-checker campaign that the “theory of XXX is a right-wing conspiracy” — it is a good time to take note, take a look with an open mind, and remember that theory for the future.

Examples of Conspiracy Theories Proven True — Suggest Your Own!

(below is courtesy of El Gato that I underlined)



By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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