Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth

The former US president claimed that although he receives support in Israel and could even be elected prime minister, American Jews do not appreciate him.

Former US President Donald Trump posted a tweet on his social network Truth Social, in which he criticized Jews in the United States.

Writes about this .

“No president has done more for Israel than I have done for him. Surprisingly, our evangelical Christian community appreciates my efforts much more than Jews, especially those who live in the United States,” Trump said.

He noted that although American Jews do not appreciate him enough, he enjoys special respect in Israel.

“As for the Jews living in Israel, this is a completely different story. I have a high rating there, and I could easily be elected Prime Minister of Israel. … The Jews of the United States should reboot and understand what they have in Israel before it’s too late for them,” Trump concluded.

The publication notes that this is not the first time Donald Trump has criticized American Jews, most of whom identify with Democrats. About a year and a half ago, he said in an interview with one of the publications that “Jews who live in the United States do not love Israel enough.”

Before that, Trump also said that “any Jew who votes for the Democratic Party demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge or a huge lack of loyalty.”

“The statements caused a storm of indignation and criticism of Trump among many members of the US Jewish community,” the article summarizes.

Cursor also reported that an American official said that Trump almost refused to move the embassy to Jerusalem because of Netanyahu.


Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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