Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

DOJ Forced To Remove Phony Filing In Trump Mar-A-Lago Case — Apparently Was Submitted By Prison Inmate

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth.

The failure of the party of treason is the law of unintended consequences is always on our side. Reality is their worst enemy.

This is against the law. But that’s the least of it. It’s treason. Unambiguous, full throttled treason.

The Democrats are lawless and relentless. They just don’t stop and they must be stopped.

This was all a lie.  The FBI created the crime scene, inserted their own documents, and then photoshopped the document.  What a disgrace.  

1. We know that the FBI wanted to make this look like a crime scene.

We know this because at the bottom of the photo provided to the court there is the number 2A, indicating that this was a crime scene photo as well as a type of tape measure across the bottom of the photo.  The corrupt FBI threw the photos on the floor themselves.  They staged this.

We know this because the containers were right next door.  The documents would have been placed on a table had the FBI wanted to take a picture of the documents.  Showing them as scattered across the floor is for show to indicate they were found this way, a lie we explain below.  Also, the cabinets are right next to the documents, which is likely where they were stored.  They weren’t stored on the floor.

2. The FBI inserted documents into the photo. 

The cover sheets in the above photo that were red, yellow, and brown were inserted by the FBI.  They are the FBI’s cover sheets.  We know this for various reasons.  The Trump White House did not need these cover sheets in the documents they held because they had their own cover sheets.

If you look closely at the photo above, the document right above the 2A is folded back.  The papers are stapled together as they should be.  If you look at that batch you see there already was a cover sheet on that document.  It says “Please store in…”.  That is the real cover sheet.

The red, yellow, and brown cover sheets were inserted.  If you look closely at the yellow cover sheets, they are paper clipped to the documents.  The documents would have been stapled.  They are paperclipped because they were inserted by the FBI.

Also, the front cover sheet in brown, showing SCI, says the following wording:

Handling, storage, reproduction, and distribution of the attached document must be in accordance with the applicable executive orders statutes and agency implementing regulations.

This document was inserted.  The FBI inserted this to indicate that the “agency implementing regulations” – i.e. the DOJ – is involved in the maintenance of these records but this is not the case.  The President has the right to documents that are his.  They are his property and an inserted document saying something different is simply not true.   

3. The photo was altered or photoshopped after it was taken (i.e. the FBI was tampering with evidence).

Throughout the picture there are sections in white.  It would be proper for the FBI to take pictures of the crime scene and then add paper to cover up the classified info and then take photos to cover up any classified information.  However, we know that these white sections are redactions to the photo.

When looking a the picture above, you can see that the white space was added to the picture by the white outlines around the black boxes in the first photo above.  These photos were tampered with.

Finally, did the FBI Agents who invaded the President’s home have the proper credentials to review classified information?  How about the agents who made the call to photoshop the photo?  How about the employees who photoshopped the photos?  Were they properly credentialed?

This is a crime scene but it is the FBI and DOJ that acted like criminals.  They created a false crime scene.  They inserted docs.  They tampered with evidence.  

CLOWN SHOW: DOJ Forced To Remove Phony Filing In Trump Mar-A-Lago Case — Apparently Was Submitted By Prison Inmate

By Gateway Pundit,   September 20, 2022:
The Department of Justice just filed a motion to remove a phony docket entry.

The entry alleged Trump had “acquired ‘millions of un- redacted classified tax returns and other sensitive financial data, bank records and accounts of banking and tax transactions of several million Americans and federal government agencies.”

The Washington Examiner reported:

The Justice Department filed a motion to remove an apparent phony docket entry after media revealed a prison inmate with a history of forging documents apparently tricked court staff.

The document, which was filed on Sept. 12 and remains on the docket as of Monday, appeared to be from the Treasury Department and said the agency had seized sensitive documents related to the Aug. 8 raid at Mar-a-Lago and included a warrant ordering CNN to “preserve leaked tax records.”

“The United States of America herby moves to strike Docket Entry 128 which purports to be a motion by the United States Department of the Treasury to Intervene in the instant matter,” the DOJ’s Monday motion said. “The United States has confirmed the pleading was not submitted by the Department of the Treasury but rather mailed to the Clerk of Court by someone not associated with the Government.”

The docket entry came from a prisoner in a North Carolina jail.

The prisoner has a history of impersonating federal officials in court records.

AP reported:

In the Georgia case, the man alleged that Trump and others had “acquired ‘millions of un- redacted classified tax returns and other sensitive financial data, bank records and accounts of banking and tax transactions of several million’ Americans and federal government agencies,” court documents say.

The judge in that case called his suit “fanatic” and “delusional,” saying there was no way to “discern any cognizable claim” from the incoherent filings.

The man has repeatedly impersonated federal officials in court records and has placed tax liens on judges using his false paperwork, two people familiar with the matter told the AP. Because of his history as a forger, his mail is supposed to be subjected to additional scrutiny from the Bureau of Prisons.



Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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