Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time,
but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln


The Accomplishments of President Trump

Liberty Counsel (thanks to Amil Imani):

Since President Donald Trump took office on January 20, 2017, he has already become the most
pro-America, pro-business, pro-military, pro-law enforcement, pro-life, pro-religious liberty, and
pro-Israel president in the history of the United States.

As of September 1, 2020, the United States Senate has confirmed 203 Article III judges
nominated by President Trump, including two associate justices of the Supreme Court of the
United States, 53 judges for the United States courts of appeals, 146 judges for the United States
district courts, and two judges for the United States Court of International Trade. The impact of
this one presidential accomplishment will continue his legacy for many years.
Here are some of President Trump’s other accomplishments so far:

• Decreased black and Hispanic unemployment to a record low.
• Decreased jobless claims at the lowest level since 1969.
• Increased black business ownership by 400 percent.
• Increased consumer confidence to the highest level in 18 years.
• Decreased youth unemployment to 52-year low.
• Increased median income to highest in history.
• Increased business investments 39 percent.
• Decreased food stamp use by 500,000 in one month
• Increased homebuilding permits to the highest since 2007.
• Increased oil production to 10 million barrels a day for the first time since 1970.
• Increased the stock market to an all-time high.
• Added more than 7 million jobs to the economy while the unemployment rate has
dropped to its lowest level in a half century – 3.5 percent.
• Surpassed Congressional Budget Office’s projection for creating new jobs by more than 5
• Lifted Americans who had been left behind, with millions of Americans coming off the
sidelines and back into the workforce.
• Lead the Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ to have all repeatedly hit record highs.
• Reversed decades of calamitous trade policies and securing deals that will positively
affect American workers.
• Renegotiated existing deals and leaving deals that would harm American workers.
• Put an end to NAFTA and negotiated USMCA to take its place, a true victory for
American workers, businesses, and farmers.
• Stood up to China after decades of other administrations looking the other way while the
nation’s trade deficit soared and jobs were shipped overseas.
• Renegotiated the United States-Korea trade agreement and withdrew from the disastrous
Trans-Pacific Partnership.
• Created hottest economy in the world and will do so again following the interruption
caused by Coronavirus.
• Passed historic tax cuts providing needed relief for American families and putting
American businesses on a level playing field.
• Created opportunity zones to spur investment and job creation in forgotten communities.
• Restored American manufacturing, putting in place policies to bring back supply chains
from overseas.
• Cut regulations at a historic pace to free up American businesses – meeting and far
exceeding the promise to cut two regulations for every new one.
• Ended the Obama Administration’s war on coal as promised, rolling back the so-called
Clean Power Plan, WOTUS, stream protection rule, and other overregulation.
• Replaced Obama Administration’s disastrous CAFE standards and rolled back
burdensome Dodd-Frank provisions, as promised.
• Put in place policies to lift working families, including releasing the first presidential
budget in history to include a national paid family leave plan.
• Invested in workforce development to ensure American workers are prepared to gain
high-paying, family-supporting jobs.
• Promoted school choice to ensure all families have access to quality education for their
• Freed American energy producers to conduct their business, leading to record oil and
natural gas production and expanded energy exports.
• Followed through on the promise to approve new pipelines, including the Keystone and
Dakota Access pipelines.
• Withdrew from the job-killing Paris agreement.

• Signed an order calling for work requirements for welfare.
• Nominated the first woman to lead the CIA.
• Collected record taxes in first month under tax cuts; ran surplus in January 2018.
• Proposed largest civil service change in 40 years – “Hire the best and fire the worst.”
• Signed bipartisan bill to combat synthetic opioids.
• Decreased federal bureaucracy by 16,000 positions and slashed government regulations.

US Military
• Rebuilt our military with historic investments in our defense and provided our troops the
largest military pay raise in a decade.
• After years of neglect by past administrations, President Trump is rebuilding our military.
• Withdrew from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal and reimposed all sanctions.
• Followed through and stood up to the president of Syria, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, and his
regime’s horrific use of chemical weapons against its own people.
• Defeated ISIS’ territorial caliphate and brought terrorist leaders to justice, including ISIS’
leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
• Restored American leadership in space and established the Space Force.
• Took action to ensure America leads the way on the technologies of the future like AI
and 5G.
• Stopped $230 million in rebuilding payments to Syria.
• Brought back soldiers’ remains from the Korean War.
• Secured release of American prisoners from North Korea.
• Negotiated peace talks between North and South Korea.

• Expanded access to more affordable coverage options, like Association Health Plans and
short-term, limited duration insurance plans.
• Increased healthcare transparency and empowering patients.
• Lowered drug prices for American patients, including working to stop Americans from
paying far more than patients in other countries.
• Ended the burdensome Obama-era individual mandate penalty.
• Took action to protect and strengthen Medicare for seniors and reduced Medicare
Advantage and Medicare Part D premiums.
• Ensured Americans with pre-existing conditions they would be protected.

Human Trafficking
• Signed the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 into law
which targets online sex trafficking and subjects websites to federal criminal and civil
liability when users misuse online personals.
• Shut down two major websites used for prostitution and sex trafficking.
• Allocated more than $35 million in Justice Department grants to 73 organizations in 33
states that provide safe housing for victims of human trafficking.
• Rescued 39 previously missing children in ages from 3 to 17 at risk for sex trafficking,
abuse and exploitation in Georgia, as part of a two-week mission by the U.S. Marshals

Sanctity of Human Life
• Spoke live via satellite at the March for Life in DC, a first for any sitting U.S. president.
• Cut off taxpayer funding for the U.N. Population Fund.
• Signed H.J. Res. 43 into law which overturned an Obama regulation that prohibited states
from defunding Planned Parenthood.
• Issued guidance to stop taxpayer funding of abortion in ObamaCare exchange plans.
• Signed an executive order to restore the Mexico City Policy and defund International
Planned Parenthood Federation, blocking $9 billion in aid from funding abortion.
• Took action to end federal research using fetal tissue.
Religious Liberty
• Formed a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the U.S. Dept. of HHS
to protect religious freedom and restrict taxpayer funds from discriminating against
• Implemented a new policy directive within the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs which focuses on protecting religious freedom.
• Hosted the first Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom at the U.S. Department of
• Nominated Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas to be Ambassador-at-Large for International
Religious Freedom, Department of State.
• Protected the free exercise of religion by reversing Obama-era policies with new legal
guidance issued to the Department of Justice by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
• Signed an executive order on religious liberty on the National Day of Prayer.
• Ordered the IRS not to enforce restrictions on political activity by churches.
• Helped faith-based groups give healthcare coverage to 13.7 million Americans.
• Issued a guidance protecting religious liberty within the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
ensuring that Christians who opposed “same-sex marriage” would not experience
• Removed Obama web pages on LGBT issues.
• Disqualified “transgender” individuals from serving in the military, thus freeing
personnel from participating in LGBT training based upon their religious beliefs and
conscientious objections.
• Issued nine proposed rules to protect religious organizations from unfair and unequal
treatment by the federal government.
• Eliminated burdensome Obama-era requirements that unfairly imposed unique regulatory
burdens only on religious organizations.
• Requiring federal agencies to ensure that the grant-making practices of state recipients of
federal funding comply with the First Amendment.
• Ensuring religious organizations can compete on a level playing field for funding,
without discrimination.
Students’ Religious Liberty
• Took action to further safeguard students’ constitutionally protected right to pray in
• President Trump is updating federal guidance regarding protected prayer and religious
expression in public schools, which has not been issued since 2003. The update will help
safeguard students’ rights by giving education providers and students the most current
information concerning prayer in public schools. To receive federal funds, local
educational agencies must confirm that their policies do not prevent or interfere with the
constitutionally protected rights outlined in the guidance. The updated guidance will help
improve individuals’ ability to file a complaint if they are denied the ability to participate
in protected religious expression.
• Issued guidance which made clear that students can read religious texts or pray during
recess and other non-instructional periods, organize prayer groups, and express their
religious beliefs in their assignments.
• Declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.
• Visited Jerusalem’s Western Wall and prayed, a first for any sitting U.S. president.
• Signed the Taylor Force Act prohibiting aid to the Palestinian Authority if it funds
• Cut $225 million from the Palestinian Authority.
• Brokered an historic deal between Israel and an Arab Gulf State. The Israel–United Arab
Emirates peace agreement, or the Abraham Accord, was agreed to by Israel and the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) and includes first commercial flight between the two
• Delivered the first F-35 stealth jets to Israel.
• Withdrew from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) citing “anti-Israel bias.”
• Cut $300 million in aid to Pakistan.
• Cut all U.S. funding for UNRWA, the U.N. agency serving Palestinian refugees, a
politicized and pro-Palestinian organization which perpetuates the refugee issue.
• Withdrew from the anti-Israel U.N. Human Rights Council.
• Appointed pro-Israel Nikki Haley to serve as U.S. Ambassador at the United Nations,
who assumed a more assertive role and negotiated $285 million cut in U.N. budget.
• Withdrew America from the Iran deal, imposed tough sanctions and pledged to stop Iran
from obtaining nuclear weapons.
• Closed the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington, D.C.
• Approved a 10-year military aid package for Israel, providing $3.8 billion annually to
secure Israel’s defense.


All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing


In Case You Forgot: The Accomplishments of President Trump


Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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