Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time,
but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrives to meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Chancellery on October 10, 2022, in Berlin, GermanyPhoto by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

With an announcement from the Hungarian Justice Minister on April 27, Viktor Orbán’s pro-Christian government says there will be no surrender on their child protection laws. 

From the Hungarian government website:

Justice Minister Judit Varga said Hungary will make no compromise over child protection and wants to have the most stringent child protection regime in Europe.

The rule of some laws

For years the Hungarian government has suffered legal and economic sanctions from the European Commission over its refusal to reconsider one of its own laws. The attacks began with the passing of the Child Protection Law, seeing the State Secretary Miltosz Soltesz respond in 2021. According to him, “… the law was about protecting children… and imposing stricter punishment for pedophilia.”

The fact the EU considers such a law to be homophobic and transphobic speaks for itself. The minister went on:

‘Hungary’s law,’ Soltész emphasized, ‘prohibits gender reassignment under the age of 18 and bans ‘propaganda’ promoting gender change to children.’

‘It also makes it illegal to target youth under the age of 18 with any pornographic content,’ he noted.

This law is seen as contrary to the values of the European Union. So serious is the threat posed by child protection that a new measure has been taken – which Hungary claims undermines the rule of law itself. 

The Hungarian justice minister has responded to the measures, which she claims are not only motivated by progressive ideology, but are an attempt to undermine the legal powers of a sovereign nation. 

She said the forces that embraced ‘woke ideology’ had managed to convince 15 EU member states to join an ongoing lawsuit against Hungary over the child protection law.

Though these 15 countries have joined the lawsuit, what matters in a case like this is the correct interpretation of EU law, such as the separation of national and EU competencies, Minister Varga said.

The position of the Hungarians is clear – they believe they have the legal right to make laws to protect children in their own country. 

Rights and the political left

The European Commission recognizes no such right. It has for years withheld billions of euros in funding and threatened sanctions against Hungary for taking measures to protect its nation and its Christian culture from the evil of so-called “progressive values”. The EU has also criticized the decay of the rule of law in Hungary, at the same time as it seeks to use legal means to undermine a sovereign parliament. Politico summarized the situation in March 2023 thusly:

When announcing an agreement on nearly €22 billion in regional development funds for Hungary under the bloc’s 2021 to 2027 budget, the European Commission quietly made it clear that a chunk of the money will not actually be accessible until Budapest complies with the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights.

‘The Commission considers that the provisions of Hungary’s so-called child-protection law, and serious risks to academic freedom and the right to asylum have a concrete and direct impact on the compliance with the Charter,’ the Commission wrote late last December.

Translated from technocrat, the EU Commission means to say that securing your national borders and closing George Soros’ nation-wrecking institutes are not “our values.”

That no good deed will go unpunished is simply one aspect of the moral inversion called “progress.”

No right to protect your own children  

Fifteen EU governments, strong supporters of the sexual extremists demanding access to children, have united to press charges against Hungary. The crime is to pass a law prohibiting the recruitment of children by people so dedicated to disordered sexual behavior that they base their entire lives upon it. 

Division in Germany

To seek to insulate children from the promotion of vice is contrary to the values of the European Union, and especially of the Green Party German Foreign Minister, Annelena Baerbock. 

It was at her behest that Germany joined, at the eleventh hour, with no explanation given for this decision. It is understood the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, was unwilling to take such a step against Hungary. As Politico tactfully put it on April 8:

Germany’s last-minute application shows the divergence of views in the ruling coalition in Berlin.

Baerbock represents the sexually extremist Green Party, whose program of shutting down German nuclear generators has contributed to the deindustrialization of a once great manufacturing power. Incapable of diplomacy, she has insulted the Chinese and unilaterally declared war on Russia. 

She is a determined ideologue, zelotically convinced of the virtue of everything the Hungarian government is not. For a woman committed to Net Zero, to the collapse of Western civilization and to the panoply of disorder paraded under the rainbow flag, the cause against Hungary is personal. 

Such is the nature of technocratic managerialism. It has delivered power into the hands of dedicated fantasists such as Baerbock, whose personal obsessions see her press for any means to damage the Hungarian government and its commitment to Christian values. 

Rights and wrongs 

As Politico reported on April 8, Germany, France and thirteen other nation’s representatives are pressing these charges.  

The urgent need to ensure that sexual perversion can be advertised to children as a positive lifestyle is described as “A real front for human rights…being established in Europe!” by one French politician from the ruling party.

It is impossible to frame this as a debate, much less an argument. It is not even a political process. What we are seeing is the prosecution of evil through the means of the instrument of law. There is no justice served by removing child protection laws – only wickedness.  

The values of the European Commission are directly opposed to those of God, family and country. It is a prejudice which will be enforced by sanctions and by lawfare, to reinforce the point that there is no argument for or against the values of “progress” – there is only agreement – or else. 

All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing

Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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