Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” A. Lincoln


Toyota’s “Woven City” will allow researchers, engineers, and scientists from the public and private sectors to test and iterate on developing technology in a controlled, “real-world environment.”

Japan is building a futuristic 175-acre ‘smart city,’ much to the delight of the World Economic Forum, which recently made a video highlighting the Globalist creation. Artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, futuristic food, and robots will be found in the government-monitored “Woven City,” created by Toyota.

In May 2020, Japan’s government passed a revised bill paving the way for so-called “smart cities.” The bill will remove “regulatory” hurdles and “complexity,” which can delay or prevent the roll-out of smart city applications. Similar to during the Covid pandemic, when governments lifted restrictions to intact their tyrannical mandates and lockdowns under the pretense of various emergency measures.

Supporters like Toyota and the WEF tout their cities as high-tech marvels where the public and private sectors use artificial intelligence and big data to provide more efficient and cost-effective solutions to “social” and so-called environmental problems. However, opponents warn that data collection and leaks will lead to privacy violations and a surveillance state. Furthermore, they are laying the foundation for a Chinese-style social credit system that will give them the power to control citizens and punish those they deem “untrustworthy.”

Human Guinea Pigs

The city will become a ‘living lab’ to test new technologies, including self-driving cars and robots. Toyota sees the city as a “unique opportunity” that will allow researchers, engineers, and scientists to test and iterate on developing technology in a controlled, “real-world environment.” They also see it as an opportunity to collaborate with other business partners, and they encourage interested parties to conduct their own research in Woven City once it is completed:

Toyota will extend an open invitation to collaborate with other commercial and academic partners and invite interested scientists and researchers from around the world to come work on their own projects in this one-of-a-kind, real-world incubator.

At a press conference in 2020, Toyota’s CEO Akio Toyoda described the living laboratory:

On this 175 acre site… in Higashi-Fuji, Japan… we have decided to build a prototype town of the future… where people live… work… play… and participate in a living laboratory.

Imagine, a fully controlled site… that would allow researchers… engineers… and scientists… the opportunity to freely test technology… such as… autonomy, mobility as a service, robotics, smart home connected technology… AI… and more… in a real world environment.

Human beings will be the figurative guinea pigs, so what could possibly go wrong?

Big Brother is always watching

Three types of roads are being built in the city: one for pedestrians, one for bicycles and scooters, and one for self-driving vehicles. In addition, a fleet of Toyota’s self-driving electric vehicles, called e-Palettes, will be used for transportation, deliveries, and mobile retail throughout the city.

Beneath the ground, there will be a fourth pathway specifically for the movement of goods, where the city’s logistics network will also be installed.


Houses are made of wood to ‘minimize the carbon footprint, using traditional Japanese wood joinery combined with robotic production methods.” Sensors controlled by artificial intelligence monitor the health of the inhabitants. Woven City even has its own futuristic food & agriculture team to control what foods residents eat. Robotic technologies (see here and here) will assist with daily needs. For example, according to Toyota, robots who will live in your home can determine when you run out of milk.

The planned city will feature multiple parks and a large central plaza for social gatherings. In addition, hydrogen fuel cells and solar panels will provide the city with energy.


In other words: Big Brother is constantly watching everything you do and is ready to step in and offer “help.” Furthermore, your data will be collected, and “others” will be able to access and “use” it.” Toyota’s CEO explained:

We ill create a one-of-a-kind digital operating system for our city.

One that perhaps others will be able to use.

With people… buildings… and vehicles… all connected and communicating with each other through data and sensors… we will be able to test AI technology… in both the virtual and the physical world… maximizing its potential.

We want to turn artificial intelligence… into intelligence amplified.

Toyota is building the city at the base of Japan’s Mount Fuji, about 62 miles from Tokyo. Within the next five years, 360 elderly people, families, and inventors will move into the first homes. Eventually, 2000 people will live there. So if the Globalists have their way, we will soon live in one of their controlled and monitored cities. Are you looking forward to a utopia in which you owe nothing, in which you eat bugs, in which a chip in your body is linked to a social credit system that tells a global government all they need to know about you?

All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing


Michael Loyman


By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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