Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth

The mainstream media are currently constantly reminding you of the spiralling cost of fuel to get you from A to B, the hideous cost of gas and electricity to heat and light your home, and the chaotic experience involved with travelling abroad. Alongside doomsday weather reports every 30 minutes because the sun is shining in the middle of Summer.

Whilst on the face of it, some of these things may seem like unfortunate events occurring at random, the truth is they are actually all occurring by design, and official government reports alongside historical data prove it.

Reports suggest it’s all to do with meeting ‘zero carbon targets’. But that is another charade in itself, so the real reason has something to do with advancing the fourth industrial revolution, where you will own nothing and apparently be happy about it. An agenda that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum likes to call ‘The Great Reset’.

In the UK, the cost to fill up an average family car with petrol has now surpassed £100. The public is being told this is being driven by war in Ukraine and moves to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian oil. But if this were true, how do you explain this? –

As of August 2022, the price of crude oil per barrel is $89.10, and the average price per litre of petrol in the UK is £1.77p.

But back in June 2008, the price of crude oil per barrel was $187.04, and the average price per litre of petrol in the UK was £1.04p (source).

So as things stand, the price per barrel of crude oil is 52.3% down from the price in 2008, but the price per litre of petrol is 70% up from 2008.

Can you see now how you are being lied to when the Government and mainstream media tell you that these rising costs are due to the war in Ukraine?

The truth of the matter is that the spiralling cost of fuel to get you from A to B, the hideous cost of gas and electricity to heat and light your home, and the mainstream media hype around the chaotic experience involved with travelling abroad aren’t all some unfortunate coincidence, they are all being done by design.

In 2019, the UK Government commissioned a report that was produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London. Entitled ‘Absolute Zero’, the report delve into the necessities required to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.

The report states other things, that all airports must close between 2020 and 2029 excluding Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast airports, which can only stay open on the condition that transfers to and from the airport are done via rail.

All remaining airports must then close between 2030 and 2049, as to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050 every citizen of the United Kingdom must “stop using aeroplanes” for a significant period of time.

The report also states that the development of petrol/diesel vehicles must end. As we all know, the UK Government has already set in law that petrol/diesel vehicles can no longer be manufactured after 2030.

What better way is there to ensure airports close, and everyone turns to electric vehicles than causing absolute chaos when it comes to travelling abroad and artificially hiking up the cost of petrol and diesel?

The International Energy Agency also recently demanded Governments worldwide essentially ‘lockdown’ the public to cut down the use of oil and meet “climate change” targets.

Today, the IEA acts as a policy adviser to its member states which include the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, as well as major emerging economies.

In March 2022, the IEA published a report titled ‘A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use’.

Here’s how the organisation described the report –

“In the face of the emerging global energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the IEA’s 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use proposes 10 actions that can be taken to reduce oil demand with immediate impact – and provides recommendations for how those actions can help pave the way to putting oil demand onto a more sustainable path in the longer term.”

And here’s an infographic of their proposed 10-point plan –

Reducing highway speed limits by about 6 miles per hour; more working from home; street changes to encourage walking and cycling; car-free Sundays in cities and restrictions on other days; cutting transit fares; policies that encourage more carpooling; cutting business air travel.

Sounds an awful lot like a “climate” version of Covid-19 lockdowns, doesn’t it?

We propose that we’re already in the middle of “climate” lockdowns by stealth and the public just hasn’t realised it yet.

Is it just a coincidence that four months after the release of the 2019 ‘Absolute Zero’ report, the UK Government brought in the Coronavirus Act and implemented a national lockdown which decimated the travel industry? A quick read-through of the report certainly suggests the real reason for lockdowns may have been so that the Government can meet its legal commitment to reduce emissions.

Do you not find it odd how Draconian Covid-19 policies also allegedly helped the climate and now the same solutions are being touted to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and meet absurd climate targets?

These proposed ‘solutions’ to climate change, Covid-19, and now the Russian war are all exactly the same – hammer the poor and middle class with more restrictions on travel, less freedom, and even more surrendering of power to unelected government regulators.

This isn’t about your health or the health of the planet, it’s about wealth and ultimately control.

“You will own nothing and you’ll be happy,” states a World Economic Forum (“WEF”) prediction first touted in 2016.

Imagine a world where private property has been largely abolished and replaced with “servitisation.” You don’t own things anymore. You pay a subscription fee to rent them. Society is already being nudged in this direction.

Imagine if almost everything you owned worked like this.

You pay a subscription fee to use the communal whatever. You don’t have property. The corporations do, or the Party does. Everyone pays money, over and over, to use the same unit of production. Zuckerberg’s Metaverse is practically the ultimate expression of this rent-seeking phenomenon.

It is in the interest of the architects of high finance to ensure that you’re always consuming things nonstop, even if you don’t really need them.

That’s why, even though we always see talking heads proclaiming our impending doom if we don’t do something about the environment, billions of dollars of tech gadgets are produced by sweatshop workers in China, shipped to the West on gigantic container ships burning nasty heavy fuel oils that produce the pollution of millions of passenger cars, consumed for the sake of vanity, and then thrown in a landfill after a couple years with all the other two-year-old smartphones and laptops and tablets.

This model worked for a while, but it had a fatal flaw. People were financing their consumption by taking on massive, unsustainable levels of debt.  These debt bubbles always burst.

So, how do you engineer a financially metastable society where people are always paying for things? Simple! You make it impossible for average people to accrue wealth, by replacing property ownership with a subscription model and making it so that people’s savings expire.

The mainstream media are constantly reminding you of the spiralling cost of fuel to get you from A to B, the hideous cost of gas and electricity to heat and light your home, and the chaotic experience involved with travelling abroad.

Whilst on the face of it, these things may seem like unfortunate events occurring at random, the truth is they are actually all occurring by design, and official government reports alongside historical data prove it.

Reports suggest it’s all to do with meeting ‘zero carbon targets’. But that is another charade in itself, it’s all about advancing the fourth industrial revolution, where you will own nothing and apparently be happy about it. An agenda that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum likes to call ‘The Great Reset’.

Government Documents prove the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ is being implemented by design to advance the WEF’s Great Reset


Michael Loyman


By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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