Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

I became your enemy because I tell you the truth


The USDA, like many federal agencies, is deeply invested in the business of extermination. For example, most people don’t realize that the USDA mass murders millions of birds every year through deliberate poisoning campaigns. Natural News has published the USDA’s list of bird extermination from 2009 (PDF), showing how the agency murdered over four million birds in 2009 alone.

That program is called “Bye Bye Blackbird,” and it’s just one of many mass extermination programs run by the USDA. Another program involves the USDA mass murdering foxes, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, bobcats and river otters. As Natural News reported in 2018:

According to the latest report, the federal program last year killed 357 gray wolves; 69,041 adult coyotes, plus an unknown number of coyote pups in 393 destroyed dens; 624,845 red-winged blackbirds; 552 black bears; 319 mountain lions; 1,001 bobcats; 675 river otters, including 587 killed “unintentionally”; 3,827 foxes, plus an unknown number of fox pups in 128 dens; and 23,646 beavers.

Also in 2018, the USDA was caught murdering hundreds of kittens in incineration ovens as part of a medical experimentation operation. As NaturalNews reported in 2018:

…[T]he USDA has been experimenting on kittens by feeding them parasite-riddled raw meat for two or three weeks so their feces can be collected. Then they are killed via incineration. And at the end of the “study,” Bishops says, the USDA admitted that the baby animals were healthy.

Congressman Mike Bishop sounded off on the USDA’s kitten murder practice, saying:

I’m shocked and disturbed that for decades the USDA — the very organization charged with enforcing animal welfare laws — has been unnecessarily killing hundreds of kittens in expensive and inefficient lab experiments. Any government research program like this one that’s been funded since the Nixon administration needs to be put under the microscope, especially when it involves using kittens as disposable test tubes in harmful tests that most taxpayers oppose.

The USDA, in other words, slaughters millions of animals a year and runs cruel medical experiments on kittens (among other animals). This is the same USDA that conspires with pesticide manufacturers to poison the human food supply with synthetic chemicals, including herbicides like atrazine that are known “chemical castrators” that alter human hormone expression.

Now, this same agency is air-dropping edible “vaccines” across 13 states, claiming to be controlling raccoons and rabies. But the bait is so dangerous, it’s never supposed to be ingested (keep reading).

USDA uses a fleet of helicopters to mass poison the landscape with “rabies vaccines” disguised as food

According to the Associated Press via, the USDA is now air-dropping “millions of packets of oral rabies vaccines” across 13 US states. Those states include:

  • Alabama
  • Maine
  • Pennsylvania
  • West Virginia
  • Virginia
  • Tennessee

The USDA claims these “rabies vaccines” are embedded in food bits that are currently flavored with fishmeal. This will, of course, encourage all sorts of wildlife to eat the vaccine traps, causing unknown consequences in wildlife animals that will obviously ingest the tainted treats. Domestic dogs and cats can also stumble upon the tainted food bits and ingest them, causing involuntary “vaccination” against rabies, which can kill pets. (Although rare, death is one of the side effects of rabies vaccination.)

Note carefully that the USDA is in the business of exterminating animals, so when they drop “bait” from helicopters, laced with potentially harmful or even deadly rabies vaccine ingredients, it’s not difficult to realize the real motivation of this program.

This isn’t the first time the US government has unleashed biological warfare specimens into the wild, either. Although “fact checkers” vehemently deny this accusation, many people believe the US government engineered and released Lyme Disease as a biological weapon. More recently, it is now exhaustively documented that the US Army helped engineer SARS-CoV-2 and then handed the bioweapon to China’s Wuhan labs for final gain-of-function enhancement. (Even mainstream medical journals such as The Lancet now admit the lab origins of covid are a likely explanation.) This turned out to be a global depopulation and infertility weapon which has unleashed unprecedented havoc across the world, enticing people to be injected with yet another biological weapon: The mRNA covid “vaccine” that’s killing human beings by the millions all over the world.

What the USDA does with blackbirds is the same thing the vaccine industry is doing to humans: It always seems to be about extermination and depopulation.

The vaccine bait being dropped across 13 states, it turns out, isn’t even safe to ingest.

Oral vaccine deemed “hazardous to health” if ingested, poses threat to humans and pets if touched

The USDA’s APHIS department (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) runs the oral rabies vaccine program, and it doesn’t even bother to claim these vaccines are safe. (See its Oral Rabies Vaccine and Bait Information page here.)

The Safety Data Sheet for the vaccine, manufactured by Merial, tells a larger story. Although these vaccine baits / traps are intended by the USDA to be orally consumed by animals, the Safety Data Sheet warns:

Potentially hazardous to health if any of the following should occur: Ingestion, parenteral inoculation, droplet or aerosol exposure of mucous membranes or if broken skin is exposed to infectious fluids or tissues.

In other words, the vaccine is “hazardous to health” if ingested. Yet ingestion is exactly what the USDA is achieving by coating this vaccine with fishmeal and dropping it across 13 states to be consumed by every kind of wild animal imaginable. The entire purpose of this delivery mechanism is to have the hazardous vaccines ingested.

That same warning sheet also says, “Localized skin lesions are possible” if exposed to this vaccine.

And even though these vaccine bait morsels are apparently tossed out of vehicles onto public roads, according to the USDA itself, the substances they contain are toxic to people. According to, the USDA tosses these toxic vaccine bait products out of vehicles in America’s cities:

[They are] being dropped from planes in rural areas and from vehicles in urban and suburban areas.

People drive around the cities and toss these from vehicles, in other words. What could possibly go wrong?

These oral vaccines are not safe for people or animals, “All people should avoid contact”

The Safety Data Sheet explains more about the risks of coming into contact with these food bait vaccines:

– All people should avoid contact, but young children, pregnant women, individuals with immune deficiencies or those on steroids should avoid contact with this vaccine.

Merely touching the vaccine food bait can also be risky, as the Safety Data Sheet warns, “Danger through skin absorption.”

In addition, even though the USDA is dropping these vaccine baits from helicopters, where many of them will wash into local waterways, the Safety Data Sheet specifically warns about how hazardous this product is to ground water:

Do not allow undiluted product or large quantities of it to reach ground water, water course or sewage system.

Anyone who finds these vaccine food bait chunks on the ground is advised to dispose of them as follows: “Incinerate in EPA licensed Bio/Medical waste facility.”

Yet, they are flung far and wide from aircraft, helicopters and vehicles, indiscriminately contaminating wildlife areas in 13 US states, no doubt causing widespread illness, suffering and pollution among wildlife and natural ecosystems.

That’s the USDA in a nutshell: Poison, murder and kill wildlife by the millions, then claim to be “vaccinating” the world by distributing yet more poison across America’s cities. It sounds like the USDA, much like the FDA, functions as just another “captured agency” in the pocket of Big Pharma / Big Chemical, caring nothing about the health or safety of both animals and human beings.

For your own safety, if you happen to see bait-shaped chunks of food falling out of the sky, you might want to keep your distance. Or wear latex gloves to pick up the sample, place it in a sealed plastic bag and don’t flush it into the sewage system. See if you can find an EPA-licensed biomedical waste facility for incineration, since that’s what you’re supposed to do with this, apparently.


Michael Loyman

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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