dim. Mai 5th, 2024

Il semble que dans le monde numérique d’aujourd’hui, partout où nous regardons, nous sommes assaillis par une autre notification que nous avons ajouté au groupe, nous ne disons oui à. Ou nous assistons à un autre ami se joindre à un autre de « ces entreprises. » Il semble comme un raz de marée de «acheter mon produit», «joindre mon équipe », « la retraite à partir de votre horrible existence » sur Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat (que je encore ne reçoivent pas) … donc ce qui donne? Pourquoi MLM affaires de jour? Plus important encore, si vous êtes impliqué dans un ou pas?

Pour répondre à cela, nous allons commencer avec ce que les gens pensent MLM sont. Soyons réalistes. ventes aka directs MLM aka marketing de réseau a obtenu une mauvaise réputation depuis des décennies. Il y a des stéréotypes assez durs là-bas. La plupart des gens pensent qu’ils sont des systèmes pyramidaux – où vous ne faire de l’argent à recruter des gens et il n’y a pas de produit tangible – penser ponzi. Les entreprises où vous devez bug vos amis et votre famille. Affaires où les gens vont unfriend vous, car il est tout ce que vous parler. Last but not least, il y a quelque chose où seuls les gens du très haut font de l’argent. droit brut? Qui voudrait se joindre à cela? Je suis avec vous, mais avant de vous abandonner sur moi, nous allons parler de ce que ce n’est pas.

Ce n’est pas la brique traditionnelle et de mortier. Il est pas un 9-5. Il est pas de vente au détail. Il est pas un système pyramidal. Ce n’est pas la franchise. Il est pas amérique d’entreprise. Il est pas illégal – de clarifier MLM ne sont pas illégales, les systèmes pyramidaux sont! Il est de ne pas avoir un patron ou gestionnaire. Il est pas surchargés de travail et sous-estimée!

Alors, maintenant que nous savons ce que les préjugés sont et ce qu’il est pas. Parlons de ce qu’il est.

MLMs, mieux connu comme la vente directe ou le marketing de réseau en termes d’aujourd’hui est un modèle d’entreprise qui est responsable d’environ 36,12 milliards $ de ventes par an, avec environ 20 millions de personnes impliquées dans les Etats-Unis selon le feuillet Direct Association Sales trouvé ici.

À sa base, la vente directe est ce que les êtres humains font tous les jours, ils se réfèrent. Avoir un grand restaurant que vous aimez, dites à vos amis, a obtenu le service client extraordinaire dans un magasin, dites à vos amis, a obtenu le meilleur coup de votre vie, dites à vos amis! La différence? Si vous dites aux gens où vous avez obtenu ces bottes fabuleuses, le magasin qui les vend ne va pas vous écrire un chèque de commission. Alors que dans la vente directe, vous recommandez, vous bénéficiez.

L’activité de vente directe, je fais partie du fait commencé dans le détail. Après, il est devenu l’une des marques les plus vendues dans les grands magasins haut de gamme, nos fondateurs ont réalisé qu’ils ont été piégés sous un comptoir de classe. Les derrière le comptoir à Nordy de jolies filles ne sont pas ceux qui vendent les produits, l’ami tout puissant recommandation était. Ils ont également reconnu que seulement environ 1% de la population magasiné dans les grands magasins haut de gamme et ils étaient déterminés à aider autant de personnes qu’ils le pouvaient, ils ont dû faire quelque chose de différent. Ils ont obtenu le même estomac acide que certains d’entre nous ont fait quand ils ont regardé d’abord à la vente directe comme le moyen d’obtenir leur produit d’une manière plus large, mais une fois qu’ils ont mis leurs idées préconçues de côté c’est ce qu’ils ont trouvé: Il est un moyen légitime de obtenir un produit sur le marché et il est un excellent moyen d’autonomiser les femmes ont une agitation de côté qui peut les aider à être financièrement plus autonomes.

Il est également l’un des seuls endroits où je l’ai vu un terrain de jeu véritablement équitables. Peu importe votre éducation (ou l’absence de celui-ci), il n’a pas d’importance de votre réseau, il n’a pas d’importance de votre statut socio-économique. Non! La seule chose qui importe est ce que vous mettez dans constamment. Dans cette industrie, vous obtenez exactement ce que vous mettez dedans! En outre, il est assez amusant d’être entouré, les femmes, de soutien comme esprit enthousiastes qui veulent travailler avec vous pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs – parlez rafraîchissant!

Donc, revenir au titre – voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles MLM ne sont pas pour tout le monde, et croyez-moi, contrairement à ce que vous voyez en ligne, ils ne sont certainement pas pour tout le monde.

MLM’s are not for you if:

  • You don’t want to work hard.   It is simple, but you have to hustle!

  • You want something that will make you thousands of dollars overnight. Nope – they are not get rich quick schemes, they take time, consistency, and patience – if you have those three things then you can make amazing money but don’t think a CC and a prayer are all you need. And if someone tries to tell you different, they are blowing air up your skirt and you should walk away – fast.

  • You have more excuses than a toddler at bedtime.  If you think you are too busy, don’t have a big enough network, don’t have the money, etc. you’re probably not a fit.  The people who are successful start because they don’t have enough time or money and want a solution to create a better life for themselves.  So it’s up to you, you can have excuses or you can have grit.

  • You are not willing to give some things up.  Taking on a MLM business is not something that you can just sign up and hope for the best.  Nope, you have to make exchanges.  You have to learn how to leverage N.E.T. time (Anthony Robbin’s term for no extra time).  Your car becomes a university on wheels.  Your kitchen becomes a boardroom.  Your local coffee shop becomes your office.  In the beginning you are going to feel like you are working twice as hard for little or no money and until you build that momentum. It’s really going to suck and you’re probably going to want to throw in the towel once or twice.  It’s not easy, but it is worth it!

  • You don’t believe in the product, the company, the industry and yourself.  I like to use the analogy of a car and those are the 4 tires.  If one of those is flat, you won’t go anywhere!  The beautiful thing about the industry is that there are literally HUNDREDS of companies so go find one that speaks to you that has a product you love that changed your life in a positive way and then go to work on your personal development.

Now that I have laid it all out for you.  Let’s talk about the success stories.  People who make $500 or more a month in the industry.  What are their secrets?

#1 – They are professional sharespeople. I hate that I see other people in the industry pressuring people into their business or their products – I think it does everyone a disservice – as Dale Carnegie said “A man convinced against his will Is of the same opinion still.” MLM is an amazing industry with pretty stellar products, but if you don’t approach it from an authentic, relationship building way, you are shooting yourself in the foot.  The most successful women get really good at sharing their product, business, and company story and letting people decide where their interest lies.   People generally have three areas they gravitate towards, consumer (they want to buy your products), consultant (they are interested in the business), or connector (they are happy being your friend and are comfortable sending referrals).  Show them all the faucets and let them choose what’s right for them! 

#2 – They treat it like a business.  The best advice I ever got told was if you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business, if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like a hobby. Successful women in this industry get that and they get sales.  I know another word with a negative connotation, but go with me here.  Sales is nothing more than a process.  You plan, present, ask for the sale, and close or follow up – rinse, wash, repeat.  Not rocket science but necessary.   In addition, they are consistent, they work with people who “get it”, they prioritize the time they work on their business, and they are willing to make exchanges to get where they want to go! 

#3 – They detach from the outcome.  Successful women are able to detach from the outcome.  They are able to do the work, actions, and follow the system without getting hung up on if someone is going to join or buy.  They know what they need to do – share, enroll, train, repeat.  They don’t make it personal, they know that their products and business is not for everyone but their job is to share it with everyone and let them choose which is exactly what they do! Oh and they don’t chase you, you’re either in or you’re out.  They’ll follow up but trust me their funnel is way to full for them to worry about chasing you in that moment. 

#4 – They are constantly improving.  My mentor calls this personal development with a paycheck and I couldn’t agree more.  This industry will make grown men cry, it will make you question your very existence and wonder what they heck you were thinking, but it will also help you transform into the best version of yourself.  The successful women in this industry are dragon tamers, personal development powerhouses, and learning junkies.  They are always looking for ways to improve themselves, their teams, their leadership, and their knowledge.  They are not satisfied with the status-quo and recognize that your business will only grow to the level you are at.  If they want their business to grow, they are going to have to break out of their bud! 

#5 – Lastly, they raise the tide.  They are looking for ways to improve the industry.  They are advocates.  They are educators.  They are ambassadors to what the industry is and can be, not what it used to be and certainly not what the bad apples try to make it.   There is a governing body called the Direct Sales Association that oversees companies in this channel.  If you want to know if a company is “playing by the rules” do a search for it.  If they are not a member of the DSA I would do some extra homework because chances are they may not be on the up and up. Those of us who are successful leaders hold one another accountable because we know that we can sink together or by doing better, we can raise the tide to lift all boats.

In conclusion, the reason why you see a new friend starting her own MLM business every other day is because it works, if you do the work!

The economic and corporate landscape of today is an ever changing rollercoaster.  Brick and mortar businesses we thought would stand the test of time are now laying off thousands.  Technology that didn’t even exist 10 years ago now dictates buying habits.

This year more people shopped online for their gifts than in stores.  There is a massive shift happening, and those that aren’t paying attention are going to be swept away into extinction.  The good news is not everyone is just watching and waiting.  Some recognize that now is the time for the #YouEconomy.  Now is the time to have a plan B.  Now is the time to challenge the status quo of years before. Now is the time to break the box, get out of your comfort zone, and think differently. Now is the time for the entrepreneur to change the way we do business.  The spare time entrepreneur is someone who recognizes the need for a financial safety net even if you have a great job!

Women, and men, are seeing the value of Network Marketing (Direct Sales, MLM, call it what you will).  They are seeing how this can be a vehicle to help them achieve personal, professional, and financial goals.  It is a way for them to economically empower themselves.  It is a way for them to finally get ahead and help others do the same.  It is a way for them to build an asset around their life, not build a life around the man!  I think that all anyone ever wants is the financial freedom to spend the time with the people they love, doing the things that really make their heart sing.

This industry isn’t for everyone, but if you find yourself asking “is this it?” maybe it’s time to change your perspective, put your preconceptions aside, and decide if this could be a fit for you.  It could be, but you never know unless you dig deeper. Afterall, I am pretty sure none of us thought we would be in one of “those businesses” when we started “adulting.”  Business is changing, and with that one must have tremendous courage.  You never know what taking a deeper look might mean for you and your family, if you have the courage to set aside the judgement until you see all the facts. At least then you can say confidently, no thank you or hell yes!

Lauren Goldstein

Wor(l)d GN Israel

By Michael Loyman

Я родился свободным, поэтому выбора, чем зарабатывать на жизнь, у меня не было, стал предпринимателем. Не то, чтобы я не терпел начальства, я просто не могу воспринимать работу, даже в хорошей должности и при хорошей зарплате, если не работаю на себя и не занимаюсь любимым делом.

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